RIP: Prince Rogers Nelson


Staff member
In my opinion, though several others would also agree, one of the greatest musical legends of all time has passed away today.

Prince Rogers Nelson, only 57 years old, passed away at his home. Cause of death hasn't been released, but that doesn't matter... The world lost an extremely talented individual who can never be replaced.

I'm actually pretty sad about this!
Jeez first that wrestler and now a music legend. This one at least is sad because its true musical talent leaving the world. :(
Everyone is dying ;-;

Life is sad, sad is life ;-;
i <3 the beatles, happened to see this a while back and remembered being shocked to see prince ripping it up on electric guitar in "while my guitar gently weeps".

skip to 3:26 to see prince
I heard that The Great Prince was ill the other week as he canceled a show due to a "flu" like illness. But tragic day as great icons vanishing too early.
Yo Prince was amazing. I grew up listening to the guy and he was my 2nd favorite artist after MJ.
Yo Prince was amazing. I grew up listening to the guy and he was my 2nd favorite artist after MJ.
Mj died on my birthday, only realized this after the fact. i guess the shock of it made me forget it was even my birthday..