Returning after a long hiatus


Hello everyone,

my name is Nakuri and I have a a bit of a history with PSO. Played all my childhood PSO for GC offline, we played up to thousands of hours with splitscreen. Quite a few years later I discovered Schthack and was in awe. Suddenly, having never touched online before, re-experienced the game in a completely new light. New content, multiplayer quests, the lobby, it was super exciting. I got into doing skins for PSOBB (some of them are still available on the respective sites) and had a FOmar Main. A thousand hours later I stopped playing for a while. I think at some point I picked up interest again but learned that Schthack had that memory loss and I was also already not happy with how the server was handled at that time. I thought with Schthack kinda dead/bad, that the PSO community is done for good. But to my pleasant surprise I found that quite a few people are still playing on several servers, so here I am, wanting to relive my PSO experiences.

My first goal will be to re-create my FOmar as I had him in Schthack and I'm enjoying doing that like any good PSO noob it does, with no equip and mag. Building a character from the ground up again is really really cool, I'm glad I can still experience this in 2017. Smacking things with my Brand and casting Gifoie Lv.3, amazing xD

See you online!

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