Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread


Bah, only 20H, would've prefered higher but this will do for now...whenever I create my HUcast he'll definitely enjoy using these.
Not too bad, my HUct/HUcl will enjoy these temporarily whenever they're created + I can always keep the pair for Claire's Deal if I feel like it.

The real hunt begin...

As I'm posting this I'm actually level 81, finished the CCA run with a FO who offered help! Thanks Mina! I'm thinking of starting a thread chronicling my own hunts, there used to be a thread like that on SCHT but that was long before discord was a thing, it was cool to see everyone's hunt updates!

I'll think about it. o3o
Damn, Nice find in 2 runs. Congratz man!
Thank you buddy! I was surprised to see 'em drop so fast, I can't remember how many runs it took me in the past just to get a shitty hitless one haha.

Tellin' ya buddy, Arch/Luck++ is still present. :wacko: (for now)

* more than 15,000 Gilchics
* an unsealed Limiter
* from 1,100 kills total to 9,400 kills on a Lame
* 80+ baby Mags
* 5+ AddSlots
* 3 PDs from Gillchics

I finally got S-Parts 2.01 the legit way; from a Normal Gillchic.

Images are from run 3, 4 and 5 respectively.




Can you guess which one gave me mesetas?
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