Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

Looking at some of these screens, I have to ask - what's the maximum hit possible on a weapon? Are there any special circumstances other than finding an untekked high hit weapon where the hit could be higher than found weapons?

The highest possible hit % that can be found in normal mode is 90% hit untekked, which can be tekked to 100%. Hit % beyond 50 is very uncommon however.

There is one special circumstance where you can get more hit% than finding the weapons themselves, that is you can add hit% to enemy part weapons, such as Bringer's Rifle, Baranz Launcher, or S-Beat's Blade. These weapons are made by Montague and are 0/0/0/0 by default. Blue Burst added a way for players to gamble PCs to add hit% to them, up to a limit of 50% hit.
1st server broadcast, yay!

Ty! Was nice bc it didnt drop with any %! So people were free to sphere it as they liked. Traded it away =)
w00t? Traded it away? I hope you got some stacks of PDS for it, this thing would have been pure gold for my Fomar.