Potential issue with kill counter


Crippled old lady
So I've been trying to unlock a SJS and I noticed that the kill counter would actually go down on the item viewer when changing ship or logging off (which I've never seen before, it would normally go up). Matt suggested that I test this using the /killcount command, which I did, and it still was not working properly...

Basically, it doesn't appear that the kill counter on the items is counting the enemies killed properly.

This is an example of this:

After changing ship, I used the /killcount command. The /killcount command provided the following stats:

Sealed J-Sword : 3678 kills
Limiter : 10797 kills

I then started the quest EN#4 and killed 26 claws in EN#4 (8, 6, 6, 6). I lobbied out (/lobby), changed ship and used the /killcount command again.

Sealed J-Sword : 3685 kills
Limiter : 10804 kills

Therefore, the kill counter only counted 7 enemies killed rather than 26.

Before you ask, I did log off and come back on and the /killcount command still said 3685 kills and 10804 kills.

Is this normal? Is the kill counter supposed to be so off? Is this a matter of only counting 1 enemy if I kill multiple enemies at once (if they die at the exact same moment)?

Thanks! :)
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Might be a bug.

In the ship, the following kills do not add to the kill counter:

- Mothants
- Slime Clones
- Dubchics
- Claws split from Bulclaws
- Darvants
- Recons from Recoboxes

If the client data adds kills for any of these when they're killed, will have to adjust the ship to match.
Might be a bug.

In the ship, the following kills do not add to the kill counter:

- Mothants
- Slime Clones
- Dubchics
- Claws split from Bulclaws
- Darvants
- Recons from Recoboxes

If the client data adds kills for any of these when they're killed, will have to adjust the ship to match.

I definitely killed Claws that were never part of Bulclaws as you can see in the video that I posted. The first 4 spawns of EN#4 are Claws that spawn as is (they spawn as a Claw, not as a Bulclaw).

I'd like to point out that at first, I was testing this killing the first 50-75 enemies of Episode 1 MAS, and I still had issues (only Sharks, Lilies, Nano Dragons and Pan Arms were killed).

Also, I did change ship and log off as pointed out.

My bad if I misunderstood your post.
Didn't even watch the video as I'm at work. Anyway, will look into it later.
Thanks for this report. I found the bug and it is due to some uninitialized variable while parsing monster data. I will update the ships tomorrow morning with the fix.

This will actually also fix the experience shared glitch as well. (I'm pretty sure.)
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I finally got some time to test it out and it worked perfectly, 26 enemies killed for +26 on my kill count!

Thank you very much for taking the time to fix it! :D