Post your crazy dreams or nightmares here.


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About 15 minutes ago I woke up from a nightmare. In the same nightmare, I was held at gunpoint twice and saw a lady die in the weirdest way. The lady was tangled in a giant pile of clothes near a Christmas tree then somehow ended up getting the lights tangled around her neck and she nearly choked to death. She survived that but then got shot. She survived being shot then she received a little cut on her forehead from her daughter who was holding a sharp object and accidentally bumped into her. Then I awoke from the nightmare as the same ladies face melted into just skull. I woke up shaking and thought I would share this terrible experience.

Feel free to post your crazy dreams or nightmares below.
Nightmares? We live in them, some of us are stuck in them and looking for a way back. Pseudo intellectual stuff that no one cares about aside though...

My most vivid nightmare to memory was one where I was stuck in our garage, I couldn't find the way out and there was spiderwebs everywhere. Not just tiny ones, Huge ones that were stuck to the walls with large objects stuck in them. I never saw any spiders but something in my dream kept telling me they were going to get me regardless. I kept hearing screaming coming from a corner of the garage that I couldn't get to, someone being eaten alive is what the dream told me. A hole opened in the garage but then I couldn't find it and then I woke up. Yay dream logic!

Yes I hate spiders.
Oh man. I wrote one of these recently. When I'm not doing school shit I work as an overnight guard on the weekends. Meaning I get home at like 9 am and have to sleep when it's pure daylight out. No matter what, no matter how used to staying up at night and sleeping during the day my body will never get used to it. This causes weird disruptions. Humans were never meant to be awak during night and sleep during the day. I try to sleep during the day but my body is saying "Scoob, it's day time. You're supposed to be awake". This causes me to have endless nightmares(no pun intended).

Sleep paralysis is the worst fucking thing(no pun intended). It happens to me frequently. It gets worse every time. For some reason...when the mind wakes quicker than the body... there is always the feeling of a malevolent force. As if someone were standing beside you ready to shank you with a rusty knife. Back in the day they believed that malevolent force was a demon sitting on top of you rendering you unable to move.

I just woke up like a half hour ago. It's 5 AM in NYC. I woke up in a heavy paralysis. Being that my sleep schedule is fucked up my mind goes through weird transitions. As in, I'm dreaming but I'm wide awake. Lucid dreaming if you will. Whatever controls your dreams(DMT they believe is the chemical) lurks around a bit after waking. So I woke in my pitch black room unable to move my body except my toes and my eyes. Still somewhat dreaming I hear a menacing gggrrrrrrrrrrrr sound. Something is by me. Something is crawling on top of me. I can'see. It's so dark. I can feel it crawling around me but I can't move. I'm squirming but my body won't respond. I gotta get up! Then finally I lept out of bed, took a piss in my bathroom, hopped on PSO and all was gucci.

;) Endless nightmares man...
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Kojima must have some trippy dreams

Kojima is a fucking God! This man brings his nightmares to life. Nightmares are a good thing. Back before i went into math i was an aspiring doctor (M.D. not PhD). I went into biology. We did some research on sleep. No one truly knows why animals sleep. There are many speculations, an obvious one is sleep lets the mind flush all its unused data thus ending up in dreams and nightmares. Those "half thoughts" you have throughout the day. This is why you see people in your dreams that perhaps you've passed by on the sidewalk.

Besides flushing unused data, dreams have been said to allow the mind to think clearly about pressing matters. There have been stories of inventors, mathematicians, physicists and many others who have made breakthroughs in their field through dreams. When I took my first coding class I had no idea how to code. This enabled me to code day and night none stop. Coding so much eventually lead code into my dreams. I began to work out problems in my sleep. This applies to math as well. I've been told some of my colleagues try to train their minds so they are able to study mathematics in their dreams.

Nightmares. Nightmares are important. When children have nightmares it is usually about animals, something primal. Such as large wolves surrounding them going in for an attack. Nightmares originally were meant as a "training simulation". If these wolf situations ever arose your mind has trained you to be prepared. As we grow older of course and as we moved from the hostile open plains to modern day, we no longer fear such things.

Nightmares have become a flush for our more sinister thoughts. While we all like to think we are good human beings in a sense of moral righteousness we cannot deny the fact that we are simply animals. We still have primitive, instinctive thoughts. Our, for lack of a better word, "evil" thoughts, stir in our noggin. Stress from work, school, depression, death of a family member, end up causing these nightmares. The horror of seeing someones flesh being scalped from their face, a massacre of people happen before your eyes. These things intrigue us in a strange way. Like becoming fascinated with a serial killer. We know it's wrong but theres an invisible wall that we just can't help but to peak over.

Having nightmares makes us feel more human. We feel fear, empathy, sadness. Nightmares remind us of how fragile we really are. Like waking from a bad mushroom trip. Nightmares are supposed to help you deal with the horrors of your mind.

Sorry for the long post. Just an interesting topic.

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Lol you guys should read Junji Ito's mangas. All of them are made from his dreams/nightmares. They're all pretty wild or at least interesting and unique.
Lol you guys should read Junji Ito's mangas. All of them are made from his dreams/nightmares. They're all pretty wild or at least interesting and unique.
Wait. Is that the one comic where "this hole was made just for me!" And the people get stretched out?
Lol that's one of his works I believe yeah, they get much weirder though.
You guys are gonna get a kick out of this one...gotta post about this before i forget.

So I'm a paranormal investigator in the dream, and I'm with my team of friends I guess. But we have like psychic powers and can feel evil and seal dark portals n stuff. I'm in my own kitchen here, and I'm watching shadows appear on the ceiling, really light shadows like they're trying to conceal their existence. I notice them and everyone freezes and starts freaking out because they know what it is but I dont for some reason. Then I start hearing this in the dream and I can physically feel the my hair stand on end while im sleeping.

The cabinets start to open slowly behind me and I know that fucking thing is trying to come out, like I can literally feel its hands trying to grab me so i stand with all arms and legs against the upper and lower cabinets while they try to make seals for the thing to be kept in its portals. The second all its entrances get sealed it starts screaming in that voice extremely loud and the cabinets are rattling like they're being destroyed from the inside. Then we all call a priest to come exorcise the fucking thing and it burns like it was a vampire in daylight. @_@
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I rarely remember dreams or nightmares. Only every now and then but I often get 'Sleep Paralysis' and ohboy there is nothing as damn scary, shits me up everytime it happens.
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I have a lot of weird dreams and I just had this one. It's kinda horror and kinda not thanks to the things the characters do and say, think of it as a cheesy B movie Halloween special.

The idea is that a bunch of people were going on a trip but the bus driver that was supposed to show up didn't and everyone was bummed out, and so just when they were about to leave the bus driver shows up and apologizes that he was late. So everyone is off on their little day trip and when they get back they realize that it's much later then it should be and they realize that they have no way to get home now since the bus driver has disappeared and only a few of them brought their vehicle with them. Thinking that they can call their friends or family for a ride home they tell the others to go home and not worry about them, and so after everyone leaves they find out that their cellphones aren't working but lucky for them the bus driver lives nearby and they're welcome to stay at his place. Naturally they take his offer and the lot of them (I'm unsure how many there are in total that were staying there, I think it was around six through eight or nine people.) make themselves comfortable but not before some scary stuff starts to happen. Right before they go to sleep one of them hears a noise outside, and so they investigate only to see the the bus driver talking to someone. Being curious they decide to listen in on their conversion only for the the bus driver to stab the other guy he was talking to.

Now this would be scary if it wasn't for the way the protagonists "hid" during this part. Yeah they weren't really hiding and the villain knew that they were there the whole time. After he kills that guy the bus driver vanishes and everyone runs back to his house and several of them start panicking. The first thing they do is arm themselves and stick together or at least always stay in groups of around four or more because as a few of the stoic members note, "there is only one of him and a lot of us". This turns out to be a bad thing since one of them starts going crazy and stabs another in the chest and everyone is forced to put him down. Not long after a girl who was really panicky starts going crazy as well and goes after the hero, and the hero notes that she is far stronger then she should be since they clashed with their blades and that she was winning and nearly broke his guard. Lucky for him another character shows up and she stabs her in the back killing her.

It's at this time another character remarks that she may be able to call for help if they can get her some info. (I have no clue on how this would work since their phones aren't working but it's B movie logic so let's roll with it.) They decide to go to his room without telling the others which leads to one of my favorite parts of my dream, the girl is checking the files and photos and then they hear a noise. They left the door cracked just enough so that they could see a shadow but whoever was on the other side couldn't see them. Thinking that it might be another crazy person he stands in front of it and waits for whoever is behind it to open it. The door slams open and you can hear both of them scream a battle cry which is hilarious. The guy does a standard Hya battle cry and the girl goes, "Take a spin!" and does a spin slash. They both clash and notice that it's only half-hearted and after a awkward moment the hero goes friendly, and she nods and they awkward but non romantic moment with each other. The girl on the bed makes a quip about what just happened and that she has figured out what is going on. The bus driver was actually a ghost who has been haunting the planet for a long time. She also figures out that he possess people who are currently mentally weak which is why the others attacked them.

For whatever reason my dream presses the skip chapter button a few times and now we are at the climax of the dream. The main character is outside confronting the ghost of the killer and thanks to the info that the girl on the bed gave him, he now knows that the ghost is both A really slow, and B keeps mementos outside near his pond. The ghost is capable of killing him but the hero is too quick for him to catch. (The reason he is outside is because they put the bodies of the people he possessed outside and he couldn't overcome the four survivors mental fortitude.) The hero goes around slashing at the mementos outside which are just bags filled with water and other items as the villain gets angry at him, and ends up following the hero onto a log over the water. The goal of the hero was to knock the log into the water so that the ghost would be temporary visible so that when it got out of the water they would of thrown a powder on him so they could see it.

Sadly I don't know what happened next since I woke up, which happens to me a lot.

As for an actual scary dream this one happened when I was young but I still remember it clearly. I was in bed and I started to hear a wheelchair's wheels creaking slowly towards me, and eventually it got right next to my bed and I saw this dark figure. It was a small figure about the size of a puppet. It started screaming at me and it's head got big and it was in my face, it was at that point I woke up and I had trouble sleeping for a good while afterward.
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I have the best dreams. I can vividly remember specific parts of some dreams, but lately for the past year or so I have been having dreams about my neighborhood. Except, things are very different from my actual neighborhood its just the basic geography is the same. I can remember exactly where all the new things are in my dreams while I am dreaming, and sometimes I find new things or experience the same things in a different way. These neighborhood dreams are bat shit insane and have ranged from mild star gazing to having little humans living in my garage. Most of the time however, these dreams are clearly anxiety manifesting through things like missing the school bus and running after it and being chased around the neighborhood by the old bullies. I haven't been in school for many years but I still have dreams about school too.

I will have dreams of places other than my neighborhood such as downtown and in random villages and stuff. If I play a too much Dark Souls I have crazy lucid dreams about being chased by monsters or jumping around dangerous forests full of horrible man eating gorillas. Sometimes I have cozy as fuck dreams too. Like finding a sweet gaming house made from a giant fallen tree or having an awesome hidden underground room with a cozy couch.

I can fly in almost all my dreams by flapping my arms. This comes in handy for exploring. I will usually do something in my dreams and then reset to a different spot in the same dream without any memory of before the reset.

As for scary dreams, I believe I have at least one of them that stood out to me. One dream, I was in this super spooky mansion and not only was the mansion a giant labyrinth there were killers in the mansion and monsters outside. The monsters were some form of chimera probably because I was playing too much Dragon's Dogma or horror games or some shit. Anyway this particular dream was very tense feeling the entire time, and while the killers roaming the mansion didn't particularly scare me, watching the monster move around outside at night for some reason terrified me. I had to solve puzzles which I don't remember, and the dream didn't exactly end it just switched to a different dream. I have visited the mansion at least two other times in different dreams but it was always purposed differently compared to my initial dream with it.

I have so many dreams that I can remember so vividly so I categorize them as map images that I form in my brain so I know where I was dreaming at when I wake up.

I have insane stoner dreams that I can fly in by flapping my arms.
In a dream I just had a few days ago, I was at a party of some kind when I realized i had something to do the next day. I left the party. Suddenly the dream changed when I moved out the door, and when I realized what was happening, I could feel I was running from something. I was terrified of it. This thing was following me like a bad guy in a horror movie, no matter how far or fast I ran I couldn't get away. When I finally ran out of energy to keep running, I fell and it caught up to me. I turned around and saw its face. It was me, but it was my former self. I could see my former self was lacking any sense of identity or why it was doing what it was doing. I started trying to plead with it, to just let go, and it pulled out a knife and stabbed me through my skull into my brain.

TL;DR, Attended Coming out party in my dreams, ran from my old self. Didn't get away and died trying to make changes.
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after working with numbers all day it's inevitable to have them creep into my dreams. the infinitesimal summation of all sets N Q Z and R. zooming in on their "gaps". the spots where there is no longer inclusion in the set. the proof by induction that assumes P1 is true so Pn+1 is true when Pn is true. think of it as when you zone out.. that idleness of 0 thought, your brain is awake but youre not there. yet it feels so comforting to just let your mind rest for a moment. to let my mind rest for a moment in natural numbers

the repetitive clockwise loop around areas again and again. counter, clockwise,counter. my signature explains it all. i find it to be a beautiful theorem though any other mathematician would find it below them. im sure theyd point to somethings more complex. but complexity doesnt always make beauty

how Newton discovered such tools in high school ill never know. motherfuckin bloody genius
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Last night I dreamed Jim Parsons was legit trying to kill me. I was running away to pretty much everywhere and I could not shake him. He was pretty pissed and super wanted me dead.
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Last night I dreamed Jim Parsons was legit trying to kill me. I was running away to pretty much everywhere and I could not shake him. He was pretty pissed and super wanted me dead.

He probably heard you didn't like bazinga memes or somethin.
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