Poorly [Translated] Star Online (Happy Aprils' Fools)


Dr. Robotnik's Mean (Toe)Bean Machine

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS' DAY - PSO: Poorly[Translated] Star Online
April Fools' Day is here and with it, a silly little project of mine that's been months the works. From the same person who worked on Ephinea's unitext and took away your beloved typo "I'll disasrm the trap." (#blameUsagi), among other needed fixes: I bring you Poorly [Translated] Star Online:BB Ephinea(v1).

If you're looking to play the same game in the exact way, but with a bit so much nonsense you might find it unplayable, this is the project for you!

What this project does is run every line of text in Ephinea's English unitxt_j.prs individually through Google Translate between 5-15 times before returning it to English, resulting in text that often times is far from its original intend, or loses it's meaning all together.
The number of times for each entry to be translated was random, resulting in one line of text having the possibility of the minimum 5 translations and the very next line getting the full 15 times through before returning to english. Every entry had a unique and random selection of languages too, meaning I have no clue what combination of languages or how many times resulted in the output and as such none of the translatio
ns had any bias from me. Comical, offense, or just plain boring, I take no credit in what text is displayed.

Before installing please refer to Disclaimer Below. Install at your own risk.
To INSTALL: change language setting in the top right of your launcher from ENGLISH or 日本語 to CUSTOM; and then, download and extract the unitxt_j.prs file from the attached Poorly_Translated_Star.zip file, dragging it into your EphineaPSO\data folder, replacing the current files (Any other installed custom unitext files you have will be deleted! Make a backup of you use a custom one.)

To UNINSTALL: change the same top right option in the launcher from CUSTOM back to EN/JP; The launcher will download the default EN/JP assets. (You will lose the poorly translated unitext and it will be replaced with the default language again. Backup or download the project again if you plan on using it in the future)

  • I take no responsibilities for use of this April Fools "Poorly [Translated] Star Online" project, use at your own risk!
  • Please report any crashes, errors, offensive, or obscene language to me, so that i may remove or edit them.
  • Due to the way PSO displays text, wider fonts such as monospaced fonts are longer in length than other fonts. For the best experience to avoid text clipping out of boxes, I recommend using the font this project was tested on 'Microsoft Sans Serif'.
  • No ideas, phrases or other content in this translation reflect my personal believes, I take no responsibility for anything that may or may not be said within.
  • Though SFW as far as I know, I recommend 18+ members only to use this mod on the off chance Google Translate used explicit phrases.
  • Because this is just a translation, no items in your game data itself are changed. HOWEVER, If you lose an item because you didn't pick it up due to an unknown or incorrect name, that is on you, therefor I recommend only Sandbox accounts and Risk Takers to install this mod.
  • Only surface level testing was done and every situation could not be accounted for, meaning any bugs or crashing from this project are on the one installing this mod too, just like installing custom textures from online, this comes with the risk there may be a bug that causes a crash.

  • Should you find any formatting errors, anything offensive or obscene (such as hate speech) please message me privately or post on this forum thread openly for errors, so that I may edit that single line randomly until formatted correctly or appropriate for an audience. Curse words will not be removed, bigoted content or slurs will be
  • If a word/sentence failed to translate for the full 15 times it was left as is, if it only failed less than 15 times the translation would start counting and end at a reduced number of languages ran through. (This does not include translating to one thing and translating back to the original. This is purely for word such as names that are persistent)
  • Due to the way I handled this, no entry had the starting language translation of the previous entries ending language (If previous entries final language before English was French for example, next entry will not go from English to French right away if at all). For the outcome, this has no meaning and is just an interesting fact at this point.
  • All instances where the unitext pulls a name or number from the server have been left unchanged, meaning text such as A reinforcing unit for protective gear. Boosts attack power by %d when equipped. or Receive Guild Card from %s? where "%d" displays as a number in game and "%s" displays as a name will display the correct information.
  • To reference the last note above, For transparency's sake all instances with "%_" codes in the text were replaced with a random number or name (something that would persist through any translation) before being translated and then when reinserted in the game were changed back to "%_".
  • While the text has been randomly translated, the spacing and formatting has been left to my discretion with the goal for the text to display properly.
  • If you think a line was skipped, it wasn't. Sometimes it translated into itself, sometimes even after translating into something different.
  • Colors and numbers persisted through translation the most, but would rarely output something completely different. If you think a line of text was flipped, it wasn't. Sometimes a Red Ring just becomes a Yellow Ring and YES becomes NO when dealing with machine translation, lol.
  • If the Google Translate broke and produces a translation that is nonsensical by formatting (not by meaning), the entry was retranslated. This was done sparingly though.
  • For better or worse, the translation was done 5-20 times. On some translations after 1 translation it was comical or poorly translated in a bombastic was, only for it to be something basic after 5+ translations; other times it was normal for 10 or so translations only for it to become something unique in the final translations; and finally sometimes anywhere between 5-20 translations and it stayed the same, whether it be a limitation of machine translation, or the random selection of languages chosen.
This is version 1 of this project. In future versions of the project, unitxt_shop_j and unitxt_ws_j will be done as well to complete the full amount of text translation that can be client side with unitext edits. I will also release versions with any fixes or removals of offensive language in the future, but will always keep v1 in the folder for posterity.

If popularity and motivation should allow, I may also create a simplified version of Poorly[Translated] Star Online: One with fewer translations to text, or key items and menu entries untranslated entirely, so that you get all the fun of bad translations with descriptions and such, but the game is fully playable without risk of selecting the wrong option or missing an item.

