Poking my head in to say hello


I'm a relatively inexperienced PSO player. I put hundreds of hours in the GC release, entirely offline and typically solo, and I finished most things that were available except Olga Flow on Ultimate. I think I had a level 110-120 Racaseal? Somewhere around there, it's been too long. But having played so little in a group, and what I did play was like 15 years ago or whatever back when I was a teenager, I'm not really familiar with how multiplayer works in the game (or any of the finer details, as I never had the internet to look anything up back then).

I've been on Ephinea for just a few days now, and it's been great playing again. I was surprised how natural and comfortable PSO still felt!

Honestly I probably will mostly stick with solo play because the idea of messing up someone else's game makes me not want to try playing in a party. Still, I might get over that and join up at some point? My characters are all named Wisp in game so if you see that it's probably me, I usually play either a Racaseal or Fomar

At the very least joining the forum to post this gave me an excuse to use Paint to put sunglasses on a Nar Lily
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Nice Nar Lily :cool:
Don't worry, lots of people here like you. Like me! I've seen a lot of fellow GCers finding Ephinea recently, pretty rad. Don't worry about crashing other people's parties, I don't think you can really "ruin" a party unless you're intentionally being a turd, and you don't seem like that kind of person :D And a fresh Fomar could probably use a hand.
If you are nervous, make an open game and let others join you, can't ruin your own party amiright? And people are crazy generous here, and super nice, so don't be afraid to make some friends!

Oh yeah, and WELCOME!
Thanks! :cool:
I expect I will at some point, atm I'm just enjoying going through the quests and bathing in nostalgia. I've never been super comfortable with online games, the combination of anonymity and the likelihood of disappointing others turned me away pretty quick. Probably I'm too sensitive *shrug emote that I can't find*
Still, looking around the forums here people seem pretty friendly!
Hey Wisp!

I get your deal completely dude! For a while I kept making One Person games when I first started playing again to get to grips with the game again, and to do the old single player quests to relive the past. But when I got to around Mines, I decided sod it, and started doing open games, was surprised at how many experienced players would come in with their low level alts to have a bit of fun doing level runs, and then someone suggested we do some TTF's, and now I'm flying through the levels.

I still have moments where I do a few offline quests (Recently got some Assassin and S-Beat Arms so had to beat all the quests anyway to get Montague to turn them into weapons), or just have an open game to do area runs when I'm not feeling like rushing TTF's constantly. Hit me up in game if you fancy just running zones for the exp and exploration!
I'm still just lurking about, trying to absorb any information I can from guides and the forum. Lots of stuff I missed playing only offline it seems! Lots of information to find and digest.

I think I will probably do about the same, solo and then eventually just decide that going through the lower difficulties as slow as possible might not be ideal. For now, I'm still in the Forest on Normal, a little baby. Jumping into government quests as a Fomar with no items is rougher than I was expecting for some reason! I didn't even notice there WAS a one player mode until this morning...
For now, I'm still in the Forest on Normal, a little baby. Jumping into government quests as a Fomar with no items is rougher than I was expecting for some reason! I didn't even notice there WAS a one player mode until this morning...
Oooh, yeah, one person mode should be a lot easier, enemies have boosted stats in normal games. My first char on GC was a Foney, and I spent most of my time getting punched out. Don't forget to feed your mag, and give a holler if you need meseta.
It was significantly easier, yes! I think my first character was a Fomar or a Fonewm, and that was a bit rough, then I switched to a Racaseal and I exclusively played that until getting to Ultimate. Then I leveled a Force! I'm not sure why I decided to recreate the Force first this time, fluids are very expensive when all you have to sell are sabers and handguns!
It was significantly easier, yes! I think my first character was a Fomar or a Fonewm, and that was a bit rough, then I switched to a Racaseal and I exclusively played that until getting to Ultimate. Then I leveled a Force! I'm not sure why I decided to recreate the Force first this time, fluids are very expensive when all you have to sell are sabers and handguns!
Plus you are throwing fluids at your mag too. If you run a TTF with someone, you get a fat cash reward at the end, which helps.
Oh, in case you were wondering, TTF is a multiplayer quest where you play through all the bosses, and a very fast way to level up and find better gear.
Plus you are throwing fluids at your mag too. If you run a TTF with someone, you get a fat cash reward at the end, which helps.
Oh, in case you were wondering, TTF is a multiplayer quest where you play through all the bosses, and a very fast way to level up and find better gear.

I did look up what TTF was, since I've seen it mentioned all over the place! I only gathered that it was a quest people ran for experience, though, I didn't know it was a boss rush!
Wow! HOW did mew miss seeing this passionate player's return? Already love the Wisp name! =3! You has something mew hasn't come up with a name yet for...."The fear of disappointing others you game with"....pretty sure it's a lack of confidence issue. Or as mew likes to call..."mojo". As Tao Tao-chan had stated earlier, we're almost nauseatingly friendly and generous with our time, items, and monies here wiff newer wolf cubs trying to find their fangs again. So don't feel shy about jumping into parties or making an open room...not that Locking your room will save you from THIS Pouncing kitty! >=3. Looking forward to playing wiff you Wispies! Welcome Home! =3