plz buy mah stuf or theey'll gona hurt me!! :(

hi i take : 200k
Mace [Draw] [0/0/5/15|0] 100,000 Mesetas
Mace [Draw] [0/0/5/15|0] 100,000 Mesetas
I'll take two, please!
I'll take this:

Stealth Kit x1 1 PD
Sword [Ice] [0/0/5/0|30] 100,000 Mesetas
Devil/Technique 100,000 Mesetas

I'll buy these.

I didn't think I someone would bump my old topic and I would get a lot of reply after that. Please understand that around 11pm to midnight EST time, I'll be able to trade with you guys. And on Wednesday I'll even have more free time to trade with you guys.

I hope you understand. Thank you all.

Edit: I started listing items reserved. Still away from home though.
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Still have the Frozen Shooter [30/0/45/15|0] 1 PD? PM me if you can, I'm Yuuzuru#5444 on the eph discord
I'll take these:
TP/Revival 100,000 Mesetas
Autogun [Master's] [0/5/35/0|0] 100,000 Mesetas
Sniper +3 [Shadow] [5/0/0/30|0] 100,000 Mesetas
Sniper +3 [Shadow] [5/0/0/30|0] 100,000 Mesetas
PB/Create 100,000 Mesetas
PB/Create 100,000 Mesetas
PB/Create 100,000 Mesetas
PB/Create 100,000 Mesetas
Diska of Braveman [Berserk] [0/0/20/35|25] 1 PD

Zanba +38 [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|15] 2 PD

please, contact me. I want em! :D