Old Player, New Account

Des Able

Hello there! I am a long time PSOBB player but I just started playing on Ephinea. Not familiar with late game builds, drops etc as my highest level character ever was a level 120 Skyly Humar. Just looking for people to play with and make new friends.
I had a desire to just play a tiny bit of PSO and then move on and play other games. But the people I have met have been mighty generous and kind, and it's inspired me to play even more.
Currently playing as a Skyly Hunewearl (Name is Aliya and is Level 33 as of this post) and looking to make a force (but I hate playing force solo cuz early game is $$$). Looking forward to playing challenge mode once I get up in levels. Any advice is appreciated as well.
Thanks! :D
Hello there! I am a long time PSOBB player but I just started playing on Ephinea. Not familiar with late game builds, drops etc as my highest level character ever was a level 120 Skyly Humar. Just looking for people to play with and make new friends.
I had a desire to just play a tiny bit of PSO and then move on and play other games. But the people I have met have been mighty generous and kind, and it's inspired me to play even more.
Currently playing as a Skyly Hunewearl (Name is Aliya and is Level 33 as of this post) and looking to make a force (but I hate playing force solo cuz early game is $$$). Looking forward to playing challenge mode once I get up in levels. Any advice is appreciated as well.
Thanks! :D
This is Wonderful! Don't know what to be more giddy about....The fact that Ephinea has gained another passionate soul...Or that your early experience here was galvanized by a helpful and kind community! <3! Mew will put you on the top of her POUNCE ON SIGHT list and try halping out...Unless Monolith gets a hold of you first! lol =3 Happy to count you among us dear! Welcome Home!
welcome welcome to EPHINEA!!
feel free to ask some random blue Huney named Mayu in game for some meseta if you need it.~
*chucks meseta*
welcome welcome to EPHINEA!!
feel free to ask some random blue Huney named Mayu in game for some meseta if you need it.~
*chucks meseta*
Thank you! Thinking of making a force soon-ish so I might have to take you up on that offer.
Thank you! Thinking of making a force soon-ish so I might have to take you up on that offer.
Just so you know....while making a fresh FO...MIND mags cost you Moar than MONIES...they cost you your SANITY! XD! The monies early on will Really Halp though! <3
Well I'm leveling right now. let me know if you'd like to join me. Raising my force
Why my sanity? Are they a pain?
IMO it's bad enough they start your FO Dirt Poor...but also....EXTRA SQUISHY!. You will spend the first 10 or so levels of your FO life torn between either using your Fluid to regain TP to STAY ALIVE....VS. listening to your little companion whining that its hungry for the very Same fluids you yourself need. Some ppl get an alternate character to do all the hunting and money farming just to support their fave FO characters. "Is it a PITA?"....No.... It's a Labor of Love! =3
IMO it's bad enough they start your FO Dirt Poor...but also....EXTRA SQUISHY!. You will spend the first 10 or so levels of your FO life torn between either using your Fluid to regain TP to STAY ALIVE....VS. listening to your little companion whining that its hungry for the very Same fluids you yourself need. Some ppl get an alternate character to do all the hunting and money farming just to support their fave FO characters. "Is it a PITA?"....No.... It's a Labor of Love! =3
Yeah once I get my first character over the level 100 hump and have some high level techs I'll prob make a Force. Gonna make a ranger too just to raise mags for all my characters. At least thats the plan