

I haven't seen anything about this so I thought I would ask. Is there any way to play this offline? Like if I wanted to put it on my laptop and take it with me somewhere that didn't have internet. Any way that could work?

Also as a side question, is there any way for it not to take my all the way back to the lobby when completing a quest? I only played this game on gamecube so, I apologize if the answer to this is fairly obvious. XD
Not really, and no respectively. You'll always be kicked out to the lobby after completing a quest, its just how it functions on blue burst. Also blueburst is a online only game. The characters and all connectivity is handled by being online, so the closest thing you could probably pull off is make your own server like ives suggested, and point the IP internally to connect to your own machine. Don't ask me how you'd accomplish this, just saying thats your only option if you intend to do it "offline".

You could just fish up a PSO ep1 and 2 ISO and play on dolphin if you're truly hungry for a purely offline only experience.