New here, Blue Burst first-timer


Hey, all.

You can call me GlassLeaf, "Leafy" (per GuyBasil), or just GL. Right now I'm a college student, working on my associates and gaming in my free time. I've been a fan of the PSO series for as long as I can remember, mostly Ep. I & II. I don't usually play online with other people, but I love this series enough to give it a shot. Mostly I'm just hoping the switch from console to PC controls won't give me too much hell.
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Welcome to ephinea. You can set a pad to control it how you like. Plus plenty of options and tweaks on pc to do as you wish!
Hey Leafy, welcome to Ephinea, hope you enjoy this wonderful little server.
Yeah, you can use motionjoy or xpadder to hook up your console controllers to your PC.
May have to look up a wikihow article for the steps but its a quick google search away. [n.n]
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Last night while I was setting up controls I saw the cameras option that you've all mentioned, and the game accepted my xb360 controller automatically (just had to restart the game). I've mostly got the controls down (still confusing LB and RB, lol), but I may switch to xpadder or joypad because some of the buttons on my controller couldn't be mapped in the in-game controls setup.

I really appreciate all the helpful advice :)
joy2key is definitely worthwhile if you're going the controller route (and it's free). can't speak for xpadder, but I'd say one of the two would be mandatory if you really want to sit back and play with a controller optimally. just load joy2key as admin and save yourself the trouble it caused me. and welcome to ephinea!
joy2key is definitely worthwhile if you're going the controller route (and it's free). can't speak for xpadder, but I'd say one of the two would be mandatory if you really want to sit back and play with a controller optimally. just load joy2key as admin and save yourself the trouble it caused me. and welcome to ephinea!
*Just now noticed Exo-kuns avatar and Squeals!* Tachicomaaaaa!!!!! Eeeeeeeee! <3!!!
Hey, all.

You can call me GlassLeaf, "Leafy" (per GuyBasil), or just GL. Right now I'm a college student, working on my associates and gaming in my free time. I've been a fan of the PSO series for as long as I can remember, mostly Ep. I & II. I don't usually play online with other people, but I love this series enough to give it a shot. Mostly I'm just hoping the switch from console to PC controls won't give me too much hell.
*Pounces and paws at Leafy-san!* Hios dear! Sounds like you're already liking our little paradise and met a few awesome people! Hope to play wiff you Soon! Welcome to your new Home! =3
Hello and Welcome to Ephinea! Look forward to playing with you! :)