Need U.S. Client installer pweez ^.^*


Hello I spent a good 45 minutes trolling the site for a possible older thread linking me to a NTSC or USA client installer. I have a Japanese client making it impossible to input GM / Command line codes. A link or a site name would be great. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, I tried and failed now asking the community for some support ^.^*
It being a Japanese client has nothing to do with you not being able to input GM commands. You either need to install the Japanese IME on your machine or just patch out the IME support in your client.

You really don't want to use the US client anyway as it doesn't have support for a lot of the new items and you're guaranteed to have some incompatibility problems with the server as well.
Ahh so I have an issue where IME turns off as soon as I click something so I had to play in windowed mode in order to turn my IME on after selecting the PSO.exe. Solved the issue but now working on how to get the IME to stay active. Thank you again for your help and direction ^.^*
Japanese IME Shift + left Alt = toggle IME on and off while inside game,
ALT + Tilde (~) = toggle between character sets. ^.^*