Need an item sink for junk rares.


I think Team points are ok for this but right now I just leave most red boxes on the ground.

I think it would be awesome if people would actually be excited about any red box and not just the specific one they are looking for.

What I'm proposing is being able to trade in rares for some form of currency that could be used in a special shop. Maybe based on the stars of the rare just like with Team points.

I didn't play during the event where badges were implemented, but it looks like the infrastructure is already in place.

Trade X rares to X shop for X badges. Eventually redeem badges for rewards or sell to other players. Right now most rares drops have no demand for them. I think that's a shame.

Maybe even have the game record your personal team points and after X points you are granted X tokens to be used in X shop.
We've played around with the idea of crunching junk rares into some sort of currency, but the devil is in the details. I think it's a cool idea, so when and if it happens, we need to make sure we do it right.