N-Mode Challenge Mode

A few days back, when EXP x3 was still active, I had one of the best PSO sessions ever (thank you guys, forgot your names ;) :

- Saw a game with name "How4CanWeGet" (or something like that) - it had a lvl3 FO and HUmar joined.
- I created a new lvl1 character (HUney) and joined....told them "with exp3 up to falz"
- and this is what we did...

I thought that this would be great to turn into a mode of it's own.... probably with these changes:

- EXP x3 might be overkill, we went "optimal route" most of the time, and had *just the right level* for all bosses....so - maybe EXP2.5??
- Closed shops (maybe??)
- Set drops (maybe)

To make it worthwhile (besides tons of fun on it's own)....maybe introduce some kind of rewards.

P.S.: maybe this should go to Ephinea/General/Suggestions, however - I do not have the right to post new threads there.
P.S.: maybe this should go to Ephinea/General/Suggestions, however - I do not have the right to post new threads there.
This is because you tried to post in the wrong forums -- you have to post in the "Submit" subforum which is a subforum of the suggestion subforum.