Mystelle's bank dump (Temporarily closed)

Lowered the price of my Power Materials from 1:8 to 1:9 because I have too many.
Lowered the price of Sreds from 2 to 1 to match other sellers
I'm about to swap over from sandbox to normal in a few minutes for another trade so I'll join you shortly!
Added more GARBAGE (15h Fanatic, 55h Arms, another Sreds, another 55h Demon's Arms)
Lowered the price of the 65h Calibur to 30 PDs (May auction for less if it doesn't sell at this price).

I'm up to my neck in Power Materials pls help
I’ll take the Centurion/Ability and some pow mats. Traveling but will be back Thursday.
Supply mysteriously plummeted on 30h fanatics so I raised the price of my 15hitter.

Slightly tinkered with the price tag of my PGF as well; I'll be selling for 20 up until the point the current HBR is done.