My intro


Hello Ephinea people!

I'm Straycat on pso2 but since the name is already taken here, I'll use Junker as my forum nick.
Made my account on this server last year but I've only started playing a few weeks ago.
Wasnt sure I'd stay for long (the game can be very boring when you have no gear/level), but thanks to exp boost and help for friendly people here, I'm hooked now.

Current characters:

Junker - Ramar lv 12x
Trickshot - Racast lv 100
Bubu - Fonewn lv 5x

See you in game and stuff
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Welcome! Glad your enjoying yourself!
Hello Ephinea people!

I'm Straycat on pso2 but since the name is already taken here, I'll use Junker as my forum nick.
Made my account on this server last year but I've only started playing a few weeks ago.
Wasnt sure I'd stay for long (the game can be very boring when you have no gear/level), but thanks to exp boost and help for friendly people here, I'm hooked now.

Current characters:

Junker - Ramar lv 9x
Trickshot - Racast lv 100
Bubu - Fonewn lv 5x

See you in game and stuff
Ahhh, mews seen trickshot-San before! Glad to hear you're not only having fun, but on the forums as well! =3
Hiya! And welcome to Ephinea! I usually play as Boom Cow, so say hi if you see me! Sky and Avaluun are my other characters.
Welcome :) Glad to hear you are enjoying it here! Good Luck on the levels! I've played with you before but just in case my in game name is -$n0wH@wk- and -Pr0H@wk-. Let me know if you need some help leveling :).