[MOVED] A> Calibur [0/0/0/0|75]

How much would u value a 65h DoB
What is its other attributes?

Assuming it's a 0/0/0/0|65 DoB...
Since there aren't any other 65h DoBs sold, it's hard to say...
Since the only close DoBs that I see were 1) clean and had 5 more hit (link, ~1450 PDs), 2) had 5 less hit but were sphered (link, 1000 PDs), or 3) had 5 less hit but also 50% dark (link, 600 PDs), it's hard to say since none were very similar to yours...
  1. The first one was crazy. It wasn't even sphered, why did it go so high? Was the economy stronger at that time, 2.5 years ago?
  2. Since the 2nd one was sphered, that inherited ~680 PDs from the sphering to me, leaving its clean value at 320 PDs to me.
  3. Since the 3rd one had 50% Dark, that inherited 180 from the sphering to me, leaving its clean value at 420 PDs to me.
The price guide doesn't list 65h; probably for the above reasons, I guess. For 60h it lists 400-600.
The price guide could be wrong, what with all the deflation HBR added and the inflation that's slowly returning now that it was replaced with RBR, and that adds some risk. (For both of us, I guess.)
Also, I would probably have to go through a second auction with it - which comes with the risk that the second auction doesn't go well - as I still need PDs to buy basic gear with; I'd rather have a full endgame loadout rather than one ultra-rare item. Unless I can't bring myself to part with it, lol, cause it is nice!

So, all that considered... I feel safe valuing it at 450 - more depending on its other attributes - but that probably isn't fair to you.
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