Miss My Brother


My older brother passed away earlier this year. I feel kinda stupid posting this here, but this game was a significant part of our childhood, and even our adulthood. I can't play this game without thinking of him adjusting his glasses and looking through his printouts of drop charts, wondering what we should hunt next. I'll always remember when I was 9 years old and he promised to find me a real 1975 Agito because it was only his ID that had a decent chance to find it. I just wanna leave something here, as writing his obituary felt kind of silly and weird. Thank you all for keeping this game alive, I've been playing it for years, but I'm just glad that it's still here and I can always come back to it.
My older brother passed away earlier this year. I feel kinda stupid posting this here, but this game was a significant part of our childhood, and even our adulthood. I can't play this game without thinking of him adjusting his glasses and looking through his printouts of drop charts, wondering what we should hunt next. I'll always remember when I was 9 years old and he promised to find me a real 1975 Agito because it was only his ID that had a decent chance to find it. I just wanna leave something here, as writing his obituary felt kind of silly and weird. Thank you all for keeping this game alive, I've been playing it for years, but I'm just glad that it's still here and I can always come back to it.
Awwww? Nu Nu Nu VEDAN-kun! Posting your thoughts here no matter how trivial or 'silly' you feel they are is purrfectly acceptable! Mew just feels sad that she recently posted about the Spectre of a Fallen loved one's shadow always being felt when while looking at your own character on the screen...feeling that they're still there as you play. This sometimes causes even the most staunch players to either play MORE to honor their memory in a hunt...or play Less because it hurts not hasing them nearby. DON'T feel your sentiments are wasted in sharing wiff us dear! We'll be here as long as our server gods allow and fight by your side should u decide to return full time! <3 In the meantime...1975 Agitos have been dropping a lot lately....soooo you might wanna peek in on that! Keep up the Fight! <3