Miku's Trade List (v2)

Prices on:
Angry Fist [0/0/55/0|0]
Rambling May [0/0/0/0|40]
Rambling May [50/0/35/15|0]
Angry Fist [0/0/55/0|0] - 1 PD
Rambling May [0/0/0/0|40] - Well I really want to keep this, so 500 PDs
Rambling May [50/0/35/15|0] - 3 PDs
Updated both my program and my list :). Now it won't have a big long list of things like trigrinders or mats with different values, it's smart enough to combine them all into 1. Finally, with that, I'm well under the character limit and can show all my stuff.
Updated. Yes I went hunting for Spirit Garments lol. Still none worthy of making another sweetheart with though :(
How much for these?

Red Barrier [5/5 | 3/5]
Gizonde 29
Razonde 29
Shifta 30
Jellen 30
Zalure 30

If you're going to be auctioning this then it should be removed from your trading list.
Yeah, it's not for sale here anymore. Sorry I run a program I made to make this all for me. It has no way to detect if I've put something up for auction or anything like that. List is too long to remove all of the goodies from it manually every time I update it.

But in general, anything worth more than like 25 PDs probably isn't for sale, but feel free to ask or offer on anything. Some of this is good stuff I want to keep and use.
Cannon Rouge [20/0/15/0|0]

How much ?
Uhh, I've heard a lot about it and it's the only one I have but I've never even tried it lol. Didn't realize I even had one. Let me try it some time and see how much I like it and get back to you. I don't want to sell it and then greatly regret it or something.

Edit: Spuz has one for sale for 3 over here: https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/spuzs-junk.10809/
I doubt I can beat his price anyways. You could just go try to buy his.
Hiya, how much for
Red Handgun [0/25/35/25|0]
Red Handgun [25/0/35/0|0]

Kasami Bracer [21/50 | 2/15]
Kasami Bracer [43/50 | 1/15]
Here are the prices, but please spend at least 1 PD worth to make it worth my time to do the trade.

Red Barrier [5/5 | 3/5] - Sorry I made a gifoie merge with this.
Gizonde 29 - 100k meseta
Razonde 29 - 100k meseta
Shifta 30 - 100k meseta
Jellen 30 - 100k meseta
Zalure 30 - 100k meseta
Red Handgun [0/25/35/25|0] - 1 PD
Red Handgun [25/0/35/0|0] - 1 PD

Kasami Bracer [21/50 | 2/15] - 2 PDs
Kasami Bracer [43/50 | 1/15] - Already sold
I don't really need those techs, I would instead take one gifoie lv20 and one rafoie lv20 for a little less meseta than that tho. (if you still have them ofc)
Also this one "Red Handgun [0/25/35/25|0] - 1 PD".
Send me PM, thank you!
Well a lot of those techs were responding to Loug's post which apparently I had missed earlier, so I didn't expect you to want them lol. Anyway, sending you a message now.