Miku's top 5 pipe dreams

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Let's face it, barely any of these ever have any chance to happen, but I felt like making this was something I wanted to do. This is solely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to persuade anyone to try to add any of this stuff. Anyway, here we go.

Pipe dream 5. Start fairly simple, I call it /noresta. And it does exactly what you think, and prevents anyone that has typed this from being affected by resta. The point is that if you have someone that wants to use resta, they won't have to worry about avoiding that one person that doesn't want it. And they could just enable it again for that big boss fight by typing /noresta again. Of the things on the list, this is probably the least of a pipe dream, which is why it's only at number 5.

Pipe dream 4: A marketplace system, similar to PSU or PSO2. Of course this is unlikely to happen as it would take very much effort to add to the game, but it would make trading and buying/selling stuff easier. Then again, to most people it's already easy enough, which is why it's only at number 4.

Pipe dream 3: Some special outfits added to the game. And I don't mean skins for weapons, but more like spins for the characters themselves so you could change your appearance in more ways. They'd likely be hard to get to drop and/or event items (like the current skins) but could really add a new level of flair to a lot of characters.

Pipe dream 2: Add talises. Yes, my favorite PSO2 weapon that's not in the game, and you can throw it and cast spells that come out of the talis instead of where you're standing. It'd open up many new possibilities for forces that want to attack with techs other than just standing in the middle of the room spamming gifoie and/or ra techs.

Pipe dream 1: Of course the most important thing to Miku in the whole world - her song. I wish some Miku song like World is Mine were added as a disk. And yes that's absolutely game-changing and I'd really like this game if it had that. Less pipe-dreamy version: I hope they at least add a disk for Our Fighting ver Miyabi or Rare Drop Koi Koi.

And if we somehow do get all 5, then the world really is mine
5: honestly I’m kinda surprised this isn’t a thing yet. DF doesn’t feel vanilla, and I know when I play a force I’m going to want to heal everything. Having a force heal me is so comfy too.

4: is it bad that I don’t want this? As soon as it’s automated, people will be gaming the system hard. I kind of enjoy the forum system as clunky as it is.

3: there are already costumes in the game, but admins turned them off. You can see Mew using the nurse costume. I want to use the red ring Rico costume so badly. Make an item that will let you activate a costume on a character and I would hunt the hell out of it. (At the same time add a modsecid item for one id change…)

2 would be cool but way non-vanilla and way technical. 1 might happen. I’m not sure how admins choose songs to add. Petition them about it.
5. That would be nice, there was chatter about a unit Resist/Heal a few years back and Matt even mentioned it a few months back so who knows what the future brings!

4. I would enjoy and use this frequently.

3. More costumes for our characters would defo be cool, doesn't have to be extravagant, just new colour schemes would make me happy!

2. In terms of weapons, I would love to see non-rare versions of cards, dual swords, katanas, needles etc

1. More music is always nice :)


What I personally would love to see one day is the following:
1. E4 Cmode.
2. Solo Cmode.
3. Unlocked Cmode Stages.
4. More pages for cards with options to sort alphabetically/other.
5. More Emote pages tabbable.
6. The ability to swap/move Characters from Slot to Slot (purely to organise on the same account).
7. More Shared Banks.
9. General Stacking for items that currently do not stack (addslots/techs/scapes etc)
10. 0 DFP Mags.
11. Level 30 attack tech 'rare' on-screen message / banner.
12. Auto-Looting.
13. Mag Trigger editing item (so you can give any mag 3/4 invincible with + synchro and use mags based on aesthetics).

and a few other things. Obviously none of these may ever happen, but If any are I would be so into it.
+1 for E4 cmode. S ranks:
  • Excalibur type saber
  • Dancing Hitogata type cards
  • Windmill type cane
  • Bazooka

My list for things not here yet:
  1. Make people's names in lobbies a different color (green?) if you have their guild card (helps with new characters with different names).
  2. C. Assassin Sabers. I'm still heartbroken they don't exist.
  3. New low tier weapons featuring unique specials. Specials like TJS, DF, DM, Lavis, Oro, etc, are all super cool, but only exist in singular fashion. I'd love to see more of the unique specials available on low powered less rare weapons, so we can play around and experience these early on.
Forgive me for not understanding but for what purpose would you want to turn off Resta?
Forgive me for not understanding but for what purpose would you want to turn off Resta?
Oh there are several important purposes.
1. Keep hp low enough to use dark flow special.
2. Keep hp at the correct level so that you get your mag's invincibility from falling low on HP when you get hit, rather than having too much HP for it to trigger.
Maybe slightly more but those are the main ones.
A lot of cool ideas here.

... unfortunately, the Suggestions forum is closed/we aren't taking suggestions, and that's pretty much what this thread is, so... sorry!
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