
2-3 a week. Minimum. Only thing that helps is locking myself in a dark room with ear plugs and no other form of stimulus to fuck with me. Even prescription drugs never help.

On a potentially more helpful note, I have a roommate who also has chronic migraines of equal intensity as mine and also had no luck finding relief through traditional methods. He smokes weed though, and says that is the only thing that has ever effectively relieved his migraines.
I used to smoke weed, but it became a daily affair that sapped my money, health and enthusiasm. I do miss it though.

I started getting mine beginning of this year. Had 6 thus far. So averaging about 1 a month. Anything in particular you recall going on prior to getting them?

Well I don't get them regularly myself thank god, but when I get mine it's usually from eye strain. If you ever get the spare money or have decent insurance check with a optometrist. Everyone's level of resistance to strain is different and it effects everyone differently. The wrong light can do it, so can the wrong TV/monitor I've heard. Try using softer lights by example.
5 of the 6 I got at work. Horrid lighting and poor quality screens I think might be to blame. I try to take regular breaks to avoid straining my eyes. Might be worth booking another eye test.

Thanks for the replies.

Its pretty much guaranteed I'll come out if a movie with a headache if i don't give my eyes a "break" every... say 15 minutes or so. Its probably a combination of the big screen and the low lighting.
I get both migraines and cluster headaches.

Currently suffering from them daily. I have an appointment with a neurologist in June regarding my situation for further investigation on what's causing them, and how to hopefully diminish the frequency, because it's currently interfering with my daily life and work. (Can't perform my work at all now because of the daily attacks that absolutely devastate me. In particular the cluster headaches are overkill).

I used to take Sumatriptan during an attack, but you can only have so much of this per month max. before you develop a dependance on that. (Medicine induced headaches are godawful as well, let me tell you. I already experienced that as well, and had to detox for 3 weeks without ANY pain meds).

Nowadays even Sumatriptan takes hours before it lowers the pain of an attack though, assuming it lowers it at all. (Both pills and injections don't seem to work effectively anymore).
Caffeine, acetaminophen, and aspirin taken together. Only works when I take it when I notice the onset, but does fuck all if I take it during the actual migraine.

Doesn't do a thing for my mother, though, so your mileage may vary.
Anyone got any idea on their triggers? I'm thinking at present mine is stress and neck tension related. Since moving back home with my parents we're on this god awful 10+ year old bed. Super soft unsupportive mattress. Been waking up with neck pains for 4 or 5 months. I think that's one possibility for myself

Can't say I've ever personally gotten one before but I do know that my greatest stress triggers are my anxiety and the fact that my eyes are extremely sensitive to light. So if I did ever get one, those would be my first two reasons.

That or an Ade post on the forums.:rolleyes:
Yeah i've had bad anxiety the past 7 years. Daily symptoms, aches, pains and all sorts. It's a lot better than it used to be. For around 4 years solid I had 24/7 symptoms. Pestered Dr's multiple times a month. Every new symptom I thought was death waiting around the corner. Not a fun state of mind to be in.

I've had bad light sensitivity before as well. Especially places like supermarkets with the horrific unnatural lighting.

Next migraine is here. Popped an over the counter migraine tablet soon as I saw the aura. I must admit it's taken the edge of the migraine. It's nowhere near as bad. Feels like a mild hangover. So much so I'm able to stay at work which is a good thing as work is busy as fuck and there's only 2 of us.



This is what I take now for migraine/cluster headache attacks. The injections sometimes help, sometimes they don't. Either way, it's a pain and a drag. At least when it DOES work, it works faster than Sumatriptan 'pills'. Since it's injected directly into the blood.
Yeah friend of mine has pills of that. Waiting for a callback from GP as the pills he prescribed are out of stock from manufacturer.

12 days later and I've just started seeing auras again. Thankfully i'm not at work today anyway. Pills and bed I think.

I had it during driving several times. On the highway, I had to make an emergency stop at the nearest exit of the highway, because I'd basically get a giant dark wave eventually in front of me. Usually lasts for 30~45 minutes before the aura dissipates and the pain steps in.
Ever try long term beta blockers? I used to use them for anxiety - although they didn't help. But I hear it works for nearly 90% of people and can cut migraine regularity by a large percentage.

Not bad, it's been over a month since my last migraine. Got one right now, and unfortunately I have no more migraine pills so I'm using paracetamol and ibuprofen. The migraine pills tend to take the edge off the pain quite well. These OTC pills not so much unfortunately.

It's quite nice i made a post and update it when I get them. A diary of sorts to keep tabs on when and why they might have occurred. I was quite surprised I didn't get one during the move. But now we've settled down there hasn't been much stress.

Just deciding on what sort of kitchen and flooring we want to be fitted by the builders that we've got an estimate from. Seems we can get the whole of downstairs renovated and keep within our budget. Just need to arrange an appointment with a salesman from the kitchen place just down the road from our house. I still reckon we'll be on track to have downstairs completed by the end of August.

I get them from time to time, bright lights, and loud noises makes them worse for me, Ativan seems to help somewhat, but I don't want to get addicted.
After 5 days of poor sleep and spending 2 hours trying to sleep last night whilst the neighbours kids were singing creepy nursery rhymes, laughing and screaming at 2am I woke up with a migraine. Took me by surprise really. At first I thought I'd just slept poorly and had a neck related headache. But the nausea hit me soon after and I realized the headaches intensity wasn't a regular headache. In fact this was probably the first time OTC painkillers did nothing. Migraine tablets tend to take the edge off, yet they're little more than codein and paracetamol.

Had to cancel my full day tattoo session. Lost my £100 deposit. Most expensive headache I think i'll ever have. Had I not had the bad bouts of nausea I think I'd have tried to get through the tattoo session but I didn't want to risk vomiting on the tattooist.

Thankfully I was over the hump around midday. Since then it's just the postdrome. Constant dull headache, worsened when I move around, especially bending down or getting up. Dizziness, nausea n muscle aches. Although the latter I tend to experience on a daily basis due to anxiety anyway.

Should be fighting fit in 48 hours or so. Just felt a little sneaky that it hit me in my sleep - probably why painkillers did nothing. Thankfully I managed to get to sleep after an hour or so of trying.

Least I know several of the triggers. I really need to give myself more time to sleep.

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