Mapping triggers and Num 0-9 on controller?


Hey everyone!

Right now in using Xpadder to map my controller triggers and also to map out my 0-9 quick slots but I’m not really happy with it.

Atm I’m doing this:
Hold RT + R Analog stick U, D, L, R = 1234 Hold LT + R Analog Stick U, D, L, R = 5678

9 and 0 are pressed on the KB and are my less used things like Ryuker and Anti.

thing is, it works but Xpadder is a little clunky. Sometimes the RT or LT settings “stick” even after I stop holding the triggers and make it more frustrating than convenient.
Curious what you all do and use to see it’s a better fit!

Thank You!
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i use keysticks, i've found it to be better than xpadder. also free
I never had any issues with xpadder and I've been using the set selector feature for years. Your RT bind set selector is set to the "while held" choice?

I have two profiles for whatever controller I'm using. One for cmode and one for normal play. Cmode profile is the same except none of the 0-9 numbers are assigned because I just wing my palette there.

F2 on right trigger.
Up Arrow and Down Arrow on right analog Up and Down. I have that not bound ingame. I also rebound the default keyboard action keys so that my up and down arrow from xpadder are never interpreted that way.
6 7 9 0 on dpad.
Left Trigger swaps to Set 2 while it's held. On Set 2, I have 1 4 2 5 on the right analog sick.
3 and 8 are usually my Ryuker/Telepipe and Moon Atomizer binds and I never saw the need to put them on my controller.

Too lazy to swap to antimicro or whatever is new and free these days.
I set up ds4windows and it works flawlessly and is endlessly customizable in what you are able to do with it, you can even run macros or open programs with it and other kinds of stuff like that. You could launch Ephinea from your controller if you really wanted to

If you do go that route, make sure you install the "hide" program, which is one of the 2 optional things you can do with the installation, but then you'll have to follow additional instructions to get it to function properly. Anyway, I love it, and I have every key mapped to something

square, circle, triangle, cross function as normal (i have cross on sol atomizer and circle on moon atomizer so that I never accidentally attack something while fiddling with menus or picking up drops)
R1 + (square, circle, triangle, cross) are 1-4, with r1 + (square, cross, circle) being the normal attacks
R1 + (right stick left down right up) are 5-8
0 and 9 can be accessed 2 different ways, but the one I find myself using most is L2 + (cross. circle), the other one is clicking left/right on touch pad
L1 swaps the palette, so to access 1 on the second palette i'd press L1+R1+square
I have the typical "soft reset" keybinds set to /lobby, and L2 + touchpad left to /bank
L2 + right stick (directions) pulls up the F(#) menus like the tech menu and mag menu and stuff like that
L2 + triangle is an alternate bind for specifically the tech menu
R2 is camera
I have "Share" set to "enter" so that I can make solo games without touching the keyboard, and I have it so that left stick sends "wasd"
EDIT: oh also, my PS button is ctrl+m and brings up a map, super neat I definitely recommend keybinding ctrl+m

It took me a while to find keybinds that I liked, but I'm pretty happy with mine, even though I make minor changes every so often. The point is that ds4windows has let me accomplish every bind I've tried to make, and the rest is playing around with it until you find something uniquely comfortable for you

I use(d) AntiMicro for various other games before I started playing pso recently, and I find myself only able to use it for simpler binds
(I stopped using Xpadder completely when I discovered AntiMicro a couple years ago, i don't recommend xpadder at all)
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I think steam input can be used for this, given you add ephinea PSOBB as non-steam game first. Steam Controller config has some of most powerful yet easy(ish) to setup UI for solutions like this. I think you can even customize at what point of analog trigger press you activate the command, whatever it is. I could try to do a configuration mock up for steam but not sure which title should be used in case of Ephy PSOBB.