Mag Evolution (Mag Locking)


Hey guys, maybe someone can help me out!

I'm raising a mind Bana on my FoNeweal. To get the mag to evolve into Bana, I had to trade it to my Hucast prior to final-stage evolution (lvl 50).

I did this, and now when I trade the Bana back to my FoNewearl, as soon as she feeds it an item it becomes Kumara (eww).

I forgot this was a thing, but am aware it's not a bug. My question is this:

If I raise the mag as Kumara up to lvl 199, and then feed it on my HuCast to lvl 200 - will it become Bana again just prior to maxing out?

Or is there an arbitrary level (say, level 100) where mag evolution 'locks' that I need to be careful of?


- Vol

Edit: Well, I raised the Bana to level 51 on my hucast and then passed it back to the FoNewearl again. Now it seems to be stuck as Bana, which is good. I'm looking to discover if it will switch every 10, 25 or 50 levels though. Hopefully not but I have a funny feeling there are points where it could leap back to Kumara...

Just one more question. When my mag was 50 (a multiple of 5, starting at 50 as you said) it only took feeding it an item to morph it (not a level up). At level 200, is this locked down? Or Will mags change on-feed at level 200, since it's a multiple of 5?
I have never made a non-rare mag up to lv200, but if you have a local server you could easily try that.
I have no idea but coming from the usual behaviour, a non rare should still evolve I guess, provided the correct requirements.
I remember back on Gamecube a mag would evolve at level 200 when fed an item. Got my last PB this way once ;D So assuming BB follows GC, the same thing should happen.

However a mag should not evolve at the other levels by just being fed once (with the exception being level 200), that's why they do funny things when you log in and out or deposit them into the bank.
Haha actually an anti mag evolution would be cool :) something that locks a mag in its current state. Shouldn't be usable on babies though D: that would be super broken
Don't use previous servers to say how mags should work. Use Gamecube. Official source, works properly, can be verified.
i'd like to suggest feeding it to lv199 on whatever class, and then feed it to lv200 on your hucast
so if it's not locked on lv200 and becomes kumara after feeding it on your fonewarl, you can always give it to hucast and evolute it into bana again
if it gets locked on lv200, then it's a bug that need to be fixed and you still get your bana :)
CTB said:
Don't use previous servers to say how mags should work. Use Gamecube. Official source, works properly, can be verified.
He didn't say how they should work, he said what he saw on other servers and since several servers use Tethealla, It would probably describe what will happen here since well, you know why. Nonetheless would be nice to confirm it.
Soly said:
He didn't say how they should work, he said what he saw on other servers and since several servers use Tethealla, It would probably describe what will happen here since well, you know why. Nonetheless would be nice to confirm it.
You know other servers are using quite a bit older code, though, right? :P

Just sayin'. Also I see he updated his post and he appears to be satisfied.

Just want to let you know, the server doesn't send any packets for leveling up or morphing your mag. If you see your mag level up and morph, the client is doing that itself.

If, when quitting the game and coming back, or banking your mag, leaving the bank, and returning to the bank, you see them mag is different than the last time, that's a problem server side.
Regular Mags have always evolved at level 200 depending upon the job and Section ID of the player feeding them. If you want a Bana on your Force, you must:

  • Make a level 200 Mag, feed it on your Hunter to get Bana, and then never feed it again. This means that if you die and lose Synchro, you must give it to your Hunter again in order to restore its Synchro.
  • Accept having 0% Synchro for the convenience of never having to swap the Mag between characters.
  • Never die. ;)
  • Make a Force Bana by wasting 45 levels on DEF, so you can feed it freely to restore its Synchro.
Those are your only options. The only Mags with locked evolutions are celled Mags and fourth evolutions. Even if you hack the server to "lock" your level 200 evolution in place, your Mag will still evolve on the client when you feed it. You'd have to hack the client, too.
Sodaboy said:
You know other servers are using quite a bit older code, though, right? :P ...
Of course I am aware, that's why I said that it would be nice to confirm it, but it's already answered I guess.
CTB said:
Don't use previous servers to say how mags should work. Use Gamecube. Official source, works properly, can be verified.
Don't use GC. Sonic Team changed the feed code in the client on BB. When the mag is at Level 50 or above and is a multiple of 5 it will evolve on feed not just on level up and also not just the one time. So you would need to level it up 1 level so that the evolution sticks. Don't ask me why ST changed the feed code to be like this. All we can do is make sure the ship is mirroring what the client is doing.

What you're seeing in the client is all handled by code in the client. This isn't to say that the server is matching what the client is doing (this is where desyncs occur). Not all feed conditions have been worked out. For instance Sato mags don't appear to reduce DEF when the bar is below a certain amount when the feed table would indicate otherwise (this is in addition to attributes not reducing if the attribute reduction would make it below 0). Where as another mag which shares the same feed table would.
Wow, seriously?

Man...I just don't know shit anymore. It's funny you mention Sato because I just noticed that today - it looks like there's always a few pow or mst in the bar despite feeding it items that should force it to zero.
CTB said:
Wow, seriously?

Man...I just don't know shit anymore. It's funny you mention Sato because I just noticed that today - it looks like there's always a few pow or mst in the bar despite feeding it items that should force it to zero.
Yeah, we still have yet to figure this out as to why the client does this. :(!!
tofuman said:
For instance Sato mags don't appear to reduce DEF when the bar is below a certain amount when the feed table would indicate otherwise (this is in addition to attributes not reducing if the attribute reduction would make it below 0). Where as another mag which shares the same feed table would.
don't know why but this is by design and applied to all mags and all stats

here is another example
lv49 tapas (type 4) 6.16/0.61/14.80/29.03
after feeding it 7 trifluid (-0.10 (-10 in feed table) pow each)
it becomes lv51 tapas 6.44/0.01/15.01/30.08

edit: well, iyo server has already fixed this
see FeedMag.patch from for details
// Add Defense
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->defense / 100;
exp = m->defense % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+2];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
// Add Power
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->power / 100;
exp = m->power % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+3];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
// Add Dex
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->dex / 100;
exp = m->dex % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+4];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
// Add Mind
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->mind / 100;
exp = m->mind % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+5];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
We already corrected this too, but there were still some special situations. When I wake up tomorrow, I'll look into it again...
qwerty said:
tofuman said:
For instance Sato mags don't appear to reduce DEF when the bar is below a certain amount when the feed table would indicate otherwise (this is in addition to attributes not reducing if the attribute reduction would make it below 0). Where as another mag which shares the same feed table would.
don't know why but this is by design and applied to all mags and all stats

here is another example
lv49 tapas (type 4) 6.16/0.61/14.80/29.03
after feeding it 7 trifluid (-0.10 (-10 in feed table) pow each)
it becomes lv51 tapas 6.44/0.01/15.01/30.08

edit: well, iyo server has already fixed this
see FeedMag.patch from for details
// Add Defense
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->defense / 100;
exp = m->defense % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+2];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
// Add Power
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->power / 100;
exp = m->power % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+3];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
// Add Dex
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->dex / 100;
exp = m->dex % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+4];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;
// Add Mind
short lv,exp;
unsigned short growth;
lv  = m->mind / 100;
exp = m->mind % 100;
growth = ft[mt_index+5];

exp += growth;
if(exp < 0) exp -= growth;

As I said the condition which happens with sato is in addition to when you feed an item that would make the attribute bar lower than 0. For instance if the mag has 605 def (which for the people unaware is 6 def and 5%) if you feed something that would take 6 it would make the def 599 so no def is taken at all in this case. I fixed this a long time ago (a few years at least) and was one of the first things I added to the new teth code. The sato conditions are something different.
Got the answers I need I think, thanks all :)

@Ives: I'll accept the never die / accept zero synchro option. This isn't my final mag anyway (which is usually a Bhima), it's one of three I always raise off the bat (180+ mind, 180+dex, 180+pow) :)

I'm going to raise it to 195 on my Foney, then put it on my hucast for the last 5 levels including 200. Want to train up my huct a bit anyway.

Then I'll never feed it again D: wish there was some kind of anti mag-cell item that locked mag evolution instead of causing it haha
tofuman said:
Don't use GC. Sonic Team changed the feed code in the client on BB. When the mag is at Level 50 or above and is a multiple of 5 it will evolve on feed not just on level up and also not just the one time. So you would need to level it up 1 level so that the evolution sticks. Don't ask me why ST changed the feed code to be like this.
i tried the gc version - pso ep1&2 plus - on dolphin yesterday
i fed lv 75 ribhava (5/20/50/0) a monomate on redria hucast and it became lv 75 ila (5/20/50/0)