Mag Building!

My two primary classes in PSO have always been a Huney and a Ramarl. So far, I've made a 200 Sato back on my GC, is it safe to assume that a Sato is good for the two of em, and if so, whats the general stat balancing that I should do? I seem to recall, maybe.. 5/145/50/0? Or is it 5/150/45/0?

I seem to recall as well that its antidotes on a ranger for some time too..
Sato is a fine mag, it's cute, has a trigger rate of 50% and 3x Invincibility triggers, which is ideal for most players in situations.
As for the stats, our Wiki has a nice RAmarl guide and HUnewearl guide that I have linked directly to their Mag and Material plans for you.