Lost Son Hopkins


There are missing return flags in Subterranean Desert 2. When using the teleporter in Subterranean Desert 3 to teleport back to 2, you are put into the exact center of the map, forcing a /lobby.

I am not sure if those are the only incorrect flags, but I suppose a throughout check would never hurt. The quest is quite long and taking that teleporter back really wasted some time.

Also, I am not sure if another issue was fixed, but a while back, there was also missing return flags in Episode 2's Random Attack Xrd Stage. It was in the Mountains stage when teleporting from Seabed Upper levels to Mountains. Obviously, this sort of teleporation would require a return flag, but the tricky part is that both flag types are on top of one another, making a total of 8 flags. They are placed on the exact same axis, so it may be a bit difficult to see it on the map frame, but it is viewable in the upper right object list you can scroll through. It might have been fixed, but there's really no way for me to check, since the problem only lies with green (1), yellow (2), and blue (3) players. Red (0) is correct in both places, last I recall.

Edit: An extra bug I just remembered. Dolmolm Research has a Sinow Zoa on top of the ceiling in Seabed Lower levels. It's in the very first wave. It's not impossible to kill, so it's not quest breaking, but... Enemies aren't suppose to be on top of the ceiling, regardless.
I actually have a LSH file edited that addressed this very issue. It will be uploaded within a few weeks most likely.