LF Team


Greetings. I recently dusted off my Dreamcast and took a trip down nostalgia lane, so of course I had to play some PSO. I decided I wanted to play some online and maybe finally experience some BB content, so here I am. I've dabbled with official BB and some private servers in the past, but never really stuck with it. I think that's because I mostly solo'd until I got my fill and moved on. I'm hoping that having a regular group to play with might remedy that. So I'm looking for a relaxed environment with some friendly people that like to play together. I am on the west coast of the US, so a team with some members that are on around those times would be ideal. I also am not big on Discord, so that would need to not be an issue.

A little background. I played a lot of v1 and Ep 1& 2. Never maxed anyone but got pretty high up there with a HuCast and a RaMar. I currently have a lvl 16 HuNuwearl named Nei on this server. Anyway thanks in advance and happy gaming.
Greetings. I recently dusted off my Dreamcast and took a trip down nostalgia lane, so of course I had to play some PSO. I decided I wanted to play some online and maybe finally experience some BB content, so here I am. I've dabbled with official BB and some private servers in the past, but never really stuck with it. I think that's because I mostly solo'd until I got my fill and moved on. I'm hoping that having a regular group to play with might remedy that. So I'm looking for a relaxed environment with some friendly people that like to play together. I am on the west coast of the US, so a team with some members that are on around those times would be ideal. I also am not big on Discord, so that would need to not be an issue.

A little background. I played a lot of v1 and Ep 1& 2. Never maxed anyone but got pretty high up there with a HuCast and a RaMar. I currently have a lvl 16 HuNuwearl named Nei on this server. Anyway thanks in advance and happy gaming.
Eeeeeeeeee!!! Mew saw u in lobby earlier!!! Very Happy to count you among us pretty one! *Puts Nei-san on the top of her POUNCE on SIGHT list!* Welcome Home! =3
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Reactions: Nei
Thanks kitty, lookin forward to it :3
Many casual players in the past had admitted to the same travesty of only playing either alone, or simply mucking around with their characters til they get bored and walk away sighing "meh"...only to later become reminded or triggered years later watching a random anime or stumbling across something on YouTube or worse yet, laying in bed about to sleep...close your eyes and you suddenly hear the first few notes of the opening PSO screen. You Bolt Upright in bed and look around your room as if there was a presence unseen, whispering, beckoning, ...the old DREAMCAST!?. ...no, the orange triangle power light is off...your hands move on their own and turn on your tablet, your PC, your Phone...ANYTHING that can act as your Oracle to where the chime had come from..."Oh Google, give me sight beyond sight...Holy cra...They're STILL people playing it???.....Ephinea....". =,).