l200 perk: prestiging


my 0.02 of petrol to pour into the recent topic of vanilla friendly endgame content : Some games feature 'prestige reset' - resets your character back to Level 1 losing all EXP (in some cases keeping your stuff, though some games do a TOTAL reset) and in return for your sacrifice, you get some stupendously powerful perk or perform some legendary act of great power.

What might that be? Well, that's where ideas might be needed. Here's a few:
  1. Prestige of Generosity: You lose all EXP and 90% of your EXP is split evenly amongst the other people in your party (capped at them reaching 200, excess EXP is wasted so it's more effective on lower level players). This is useful if you are quitting the game and wish to "bequeath your power" to someone else or your favorite 2-3 people.

  2. Prestige of Avarice: All of your EXP is turned into a buttload of PDs, PCs, PS's, idk you figure out what a L200 is worth in ingame monetary terms lol

  3. Prestige of Vanity: You start over at Level 1 with the ability to turn yourself into an NPC + /modname and /modsecid outside normal limits, etc. either once, at will, or at regular intervals.
tossing ideas out of my butt here, feel free to come up with your own/ tell me why this is stupid /etc
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