Jet Grind Radio in the Jukebox - Request.

I wasn't sure where to put this so I went with Gen. Just wanted to throw this out there.

If it's a big deal or pain in the bum to do then of course disregard this, but if it's no issue and something that done relatively often, next time music is added to the lobby Juke I would love to see JGR songs in there. Any of them, it's a great sound track, but if I'm forced to pick one it's Super Brothers ... the lyrics just crack me up.
"Come go to rescue Peach, the super boy. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, he like mushroom" - lol brilliant.

I often turn down PSO's volume, crank VLC's, and play JGR's sound track while playing PSO. So really, no big deal if I can't the songs in the game.

P.S. The Sonic TH remix tracks are pretty great, thanks for that. Samba, Burning Rangers, there's some really great Sega songs in the Juke as is and I appreciate that.