Instant Trade Script (but I need your help)


First, I dub this idea: PSO Vending Machine
(no more waiting to meet up)

My idea is a script that should essentially expedite the act of trading on PSO using AutoHotKey.
This is how it would work:

Player 1 gives Player 2 the password to their game.
Player 1 makes the game with said password
Player 1 makes sure the only item in their inventory is the item they want to trade.
Player 1 runs the script and then goes to bed/work.
(I'm sure this can be changed later to allow for more complex trades like was done with the mag feed scripts)

The script constantly attempts to open a trade window with whoever is in the game.
If no one is in the game, the following actions will be nullified.

It then attempts to add the item in the inventory to the trade display, Up, Up, confirmation, final confirmation, Backspace, Backspace, Backspace, Backspace

It will repeat this action every one minute and leave a variable of 15 seconds between every action to give Player 2 time to respond to its actions and put their item up in the trade display, confirm, etc.
It would repeat these actions infinitely until Player 1 returned to the computer to turn the script off and bank the dropped off item.

My only fear with this is the possibility that if one were to get disconnected and the game relogged from the script, that it could possibly choose the Recreate option when selecting a character. So this would need to be avoided in the way the script is written if possible.

Thank you for reading, just let me know what you think and if you'd like to help!
Can AHK read memory?

If so, you can read memory to see when someone else joins, and then trigger the whole trade window stuff.
If the person leaves or the game disconnects, it would not trigger any inputs to avoid any stuff like wiping your char.

But you can always keep sending some input that does not interact with the menu, to keep the game alive.