I love seasons to death, but there's a feeling of frustration.

Cutty Mink

Just a weeb.
Hey guys! (suggestion offered at the end)

Conceptually, I loved the idea of Seasons. I am new to the server from the Christmas event, so it was difficult at first. I realized quickly that I would have to make a Seasons character and abandon my main for a while to enjoy an active community.

That's great, no problems with that at all. I made some Seasons characters and became quite invested in them.

But now it's February 19th and people are already gravitating heavily towards normal mode again. Easily twice as many normal mode games because people are burnt out on Seasons.

Now I have characters I want to play desperately, but can't because they are in Seasons and it pretty much feels like a solo grind for achievements. These character are locked in purgatory until April.

I know this just sounds like a melodramatic anecdote, and I'm not sure what a solution would be. I just wanted to get it off my chest and I feel like others feel the same way after asking for opinions.

Perhaps give an option to /leaveseason and forfeit all achievements for that character and permanently return to normal mode with no section ID reset.

Thanks for listening!
Someone else gave that suggestion (for a different reason: to transfer/sell rares they find without having to wait for the season to end), but if I remember right, one of the staff members shot it down. Can't recall the reasons given, but it wouldn't work out either way.

If you want to play with non-Season parties, you don't really have much choice besides using a normal character. But if you want to play with normal parties while still making progress in the current season, you're going to have to balance your playtime so that both your main character and your Seasons character benefit in some way. If you can't do that, figure out which character you'll be fine with giving up in favor of the other, and focus on the one you didn't give up on.
I don't get it. Wait for this season to end in April? You knew what you signed up for.

That being said --Yes, some of us warned about this exact thing when Seasons was discussed before Christmas. We knew it would split the community and the economy (and also cause market fluctuations when it ends and hundreds of items are introduced into the Normal Mode Economy). We also warned that some players might want to opt out and were told that wouldn't be an option. We were told to either suck it up or participate.

When seasons started, for weeks Normal Mode Players dealt with it, We had an increasingly stagnant economy and no one to play with.
Now as people have gotten most of their achievement points, Seasons Players are going to deal with it, you have an increasingly stagnant economy and no one to play with.

It's the nature of this sort of feature.
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the season is simply too long. the mysticism and fun of a "new feature" wore off as everyone did what they set out to do.

we likely won't be holding another one this long in the future.
the season is simply too long. the mysticism and fun of a "new feature" wore off as everyone did what they set out to do.

we likely won't be holding another one this long in the future.
Yeah... pretty much how I feel about this. I even wanted to try to see if I could try to get all the achievements, but seeing how Seasons lacks EXP/RDR Boosts/certain quests and and has split the playerbase, I don't think I'll be leveling past Lv180. Maybe I'll make a FOnewm and rack up a bit more points.

And it's good to hear that another Seasons likely won't be held soon. The idea was cool at the start (it even got me back in), but a lot of people stopped playing after a few weeks. It just doesn't work in the long run.
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And it's good to hear that another Seasons likely won't be held soon. The idea was cool at the start (it even got me back in), but a lot of people stopped playing after a few weeks. It just doesn't work in the long run.

I think they're referring to the length, not seasons as a whole.
Ah, misread. But I still don't feel the concept works in the long run, unless you guys can come up with a really nice theme.
Seasons is more and more "dead" because the reward shop was still not announced. People think there's PS for reaching level 150 and that's it. Now there's a debate that potentially means a huge price drop for PS in the future, making it not worth people's time anymore.
I would love to party with people and finish achievements! I think more games will happen when awards are announced.

also I agree that the length of the season removes urgency, a two month season 2x a year would be perfect