Hucast + Hucaseal Min Max?


Hello people, I know there's a detailed guide about min maxing for all the characters, but because of my ignorance on some item special properties and BB stats (they may have changed from Ep 2?) as well as particular priorities about min maxing, I think I'll ask here.

What I want on my builds is:

No wasted mats (no maxed stats at 140 WITHOUT units, I just use particular build mags and units to get max offenssive stats before 200)

Lots of free slots, at high levels normally love to have 2 resist units.

Need /Battle speed to play properly.

Maxed luck. I see that some builds don't get close to this. Why is that? Is luck not that good? or is just that some piece of armor or unit gives a ridiculous amount? If so, I guess I won't max luck.

Atp maxed at 200 (earlier with help of units) if possible, in the case of Hucast, I guess is simply not possible...

Thanks in advance!

These are probably the closest to max you will want to get as you don't really want to waste units on C/Ability, etc. I chose to go for DFP over EVP as that is generally considered more useful. Alternatively you could put those mats into Pow to hit the ATP max earlier.

You need V101 and Smartlink at all times, and V502 at virtually all times, so that doesn't leave a ton of room for slots. The last slot will likely be POSS/Cure Units/PB/Resist depending on situation.

Red Ring adds +20 Luck (among other things) so if you're looking to efficiently max out you only need to eat 28 luck mats.

You could potentially save a slot by using the BOVN armor (built in H/Battle) but that is typically not advised for late levels as Thirteen is an incredible armor for the bonus to DoB, especially on HUs.

Hope this helps.
Also I'll add that I find it very useful to keep a bunch of mags on hand with with various POW/DEX levels to keep ATA at max or close to max while leveling without doing too much unit swapping. You really want to keep ATA near its cap for your character when in Ultimate.

For example I currently have the following mags:

If you don't want to "waste mats", just use Matt's min-max plans for your class. With those plans, your stats will be maxed at 200, but no earlier, so they won't go "over" maximum.

HUcast and HUcaseal both normally need V101, a V50x unit, and Smartlink to be effective. If you want two free unit slots, you'll have to forego V101 usage and equip a BOVN instead, but you can't actually max all three of ATP, ATA, and LCK on HUcast without a V101, so your hands are somewhat tied. If you want the flexibility to be able to max all three and still have two free slots, play HUcaseal instead and use her min-max no-V101 plan.