Hihi Ephinea!


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Hello all, my name is Valquira. I've been playing here about a week now, figured its about time I get on the forums and meet the community I'll be spending a fair amount of time around.

I played PSO on GC when I was a little kid, no online mode, just offline co-op with my brothers. Only beat the game up to Hard back in the day, mainly played as HUcast. Anyways, I've been playing as a RAmarl with my friend (FOnewearl), we're both about lvl 80 now, but we're still running on Hard, with the occasional boss run on VH. I've read through Collette's guide here on the forums, it helped a fair bit but I'm still finding difficulty in clearing rooms efficiently. I've come to blaming my gear mostly because I don't have any freeze weapons, only a Varista (with no hit % ;-; ) for arresting. Aaaanywaayy, enough rambling about that. If anyone has some other good guides or general tips to improving my performance in game, I'd love to hear 'em!

Can't wait to get to meet all of you!

*POUNCES and examines closely* Never played online eh? No Biggies dear! Online DC/GC were kinda THE DARK DAYS of PSO...Hacking was Rampant and you could hardly ENJOY the game without someone popping in and killing the bosses without you even reaching the area. And don't get your Mew mew started on the other Nasty crap they pulled....this will turn to a Rant Fast! lol.
Advice?.....Yes....GET RID OF THE VARISTA! lol. Holiday Events are strewn with Rare freezing goodies...but even on a common ingame run on ult you can come by a Frozen shooter, hopefully With HIT%s.
Some of us may even have a few extra toys waiting for a loving home. Keep your eyes downrange and mew or other 'plushie types should pop in and halp! Oh....and Welcome Home! =3
Welcome to Ephinea, probably the most enjoyable place to play PSO, EVER. I followed pretty much the same path you did, playing on GC and offline mode, occasionally with a friend in splitscreen. Honestly playing the game here is so much fun now, I can't even think of getting back on GC like old days. Be sure to ask around if you need any help. Cheers! :D
Yeah, gear helps alot. But with the event you'll level fast and be able to find stuff. Just keep at it!! Welcome :3

What Spuz said. :) You'll level up quickly early on if you are playing in groups and have some help getting through the harder quests. Just keep looking for gear and see if there's anything available on the trade forums that you can buy for cheap (or perhaps things that are even being given away). That will help. :)
