

Greetings! I'm a Gamecube refugee who lost his characters to corrupted memory cards years ago. I used to play PSO 1 & 2 and Ep3 non-stop with a few friends. Recently I found this nice place and the classic server drew me in! I never got to experience the online quests or ep4 so I'll likely make a Fodra Character but for now I'm jammin' it out as a Humar (my old main) in classic. My old Humar was decently stacked (for offline GC) so I'm hoping to honor his legacy. So far everyone I've met in classic has been super chill and helpful, and I have to shout out Gown (a force I ran into) for talking me through some features, dropping me a couple nice things, and grinding a few lucky coins with me. I just hit Ult and am now grinding levels so I can play with others (I need about 30 levels or so). I'm excited to be here! I'll probably have a few classic characters but you'll see me mostly on *Vince* the Humar. See you around!
Greetings! I'm a Gamecube refugee who lost his characters to corrupted memory cards years ago. I used to play PSO 1 & 2 and Ep3 non-stop with a few friends. Recently I found this nice place and the classic server drew me in! I never got to experience the online quests or ep4 so I'll likely make a Fodra Character but for now I'm jammin' it out as a Humar (my old main) in classic. My old Humar was decently stacked (for offline GC) so I'm hoping to honor his legacy. So far everyone I've met in classic has been super chill and helpful, and I have to shout out Gown (a force I ran into) for talking me through some features, dropping me a couple nice things, and grinding a few lucky coins with me. I just hit Ult and am now grinding levels so I can play with others (I need about 30 levels or so). I'm excited to be here! I'll probably have a few classic characters but you'll see me mostly on *Vince* the Humar. See you around!
EEEeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines the Auto-san wiff a warm giggle~!* Aaaaand yet another Old Guard Cuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Classic or Fodra, you're already realizing it's a lot like 'Family' here, huh? =3 And Don't For a SECOND look down on yourself for never being 'online', dear! All you really missed out on was all the Rampant HACKING from the same scumbags that used Cheat codes to WIPE OUT other players memory card data! Mew lost YEARS worth of PSOing to those asshats! Anyway, HUmar in Ult is already over the more difficult humps' and now you can actually ENJOY the grind to Endgame~! <3. Gown-san sounds like a purrfect example of what this community represents when it comes to an 'Online Community' (Mental note to gib them an extra pounce for the halp~!) In case no ones told you yet, Welcome HOME~! =3!
EEEeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines the Auto-san wiff a warm giggle~!* Aaaaand yet another Old Guard Cuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Classic or Fodra, you're already realizing it's a lot like 'Family' here, huh? =3 And Don't For a SECOND look down on yourself for never being 'online', dear! All you really missed out on was all the Rampant HACKING from the same scumbags that used Cheat codes to WIPE OUT other players memory card data! Mew lost YEARS worth of PSOing to those asshats! Anyway, HUmar in Ult is already over the more difficult humps' and now you can actually ENJOY the grind to Endgame~! <3. Gown-san sounds like a purrfect example of what this community represents when it comes to an 'Online Community' (Mental note to gib them an extra pounce for the halp~!) In case no ones told you yet, Welcome HOME~! =3!
Wow! That's probably the nicest welcome I've had anywhere :D Sounds like it may have been a nice thing I missed the online back then, I got to use piping to get stuff while dodging hackers and preserving the quests for future me! XD I'm looking forward to the endgame grind with the online quests and finally spending my photon drops!

Thanks for the warm invite :)
Wow! That's probably the nicest welcome I've had anywhere :D Sounds like it may have been a nice thing I missed the online back then, I got to use piping to get stuff while dodging hackers and preserving the quests for future me! XD I'm looking forward to the endgame grind with the online quests and finally spending my photon drops!

Thanks for the warm invite :)
You'll be very happy to know that due to there being NO Hacking tolerated here, the economy is quite strong! Meaning what PDs you DO find will still hold as much joy as when you first logged on...waaaaaay back! Only now your options for the List of WHAT you can barter and choose to lust after just increased %1000 XD! Our Forums Weapons and Equipment Wiki has a few items with price listings attached to them, in case you need a target goal of PDs to has ready. Good Luck! Good Hunting! Stay SANE! Nya~! =3
You'll be very happy to know that due to there being NO Hacking tolerated here, the economy is quite strong! Meaning what PDs you DO find will still hold as much joy as when you first logged on...waaaaaay back! Only now your options for the List of WHAT you can barter and choose to lust after just increased %1000 XD! Our Forums Weapons and Equipment Wiki has a few items with price listings attached to them, in case you need a target goal of PDs to has ready. Good Luck! Good Hunting! Stay SA
I was overjoyed that I could simply buy Add slots... Looks like I'm in for some real excitement!

Thanks for the tips! You rock! :D