Hey all


New to the server and PSO online play in general (100s of hours offline on GC and Xbox). Just saying hi from my ramarl named Kaito. I mostly plan on playing solo unless I can get the friend I used to play with to join the server too. Either way I still look forward to seeing you all around!
New to the server and PSO online play in general (100s of hours offline on GC and Xbox). Just saying hi from my ramarl named Kaito. I mostly plan on playing solo unless I can get the friend I used to play with to join the server too. Either way I still look forward to seeing you all around!
Eeeeeeee!! MOAR Old Guard Cubers! =3 O....Offline??? That must've been lonely....Hmmm planning on being a Lone Wolfie again, huh? *Puts Kai Kai-san on her POUNCE list!* Welcome Home! =3