

Hi, I'm Dai. I loved PSO as a kid (Dreamcast, Gamecube) but never played online and never got above level 80. I also spent an ungodly amount of time on PSU back in the XBOX 360 days, though the majority of that was doing White Dragon runs and chatting with friends.

Nowadays I'm an expat in Africa with a job and kid and yet have somehow managed to sink 20 hours into this game in the past week, raising a HuCast to level 30 doing the Government and Side Quests I remember, but I feel a little lost with all the other stuff and would love to play with some people who could show me the ropes. Looking forward to meeting you on Ragol!
Not too bad, all things considered. I had to stop playing fast-paced shooters, but even stuff like FFXIV is playable with some minor lag. Haven't had any issues with PSO except for one desynch error, and I've read that those could be caused by a number of things.
I'm newish myself; I'm Stanty both in game and on discord so feel free to hit me up :) I too played the game on Gamecube so I could run through the major differences, such as stories being relegated to online only government quests (the side stories that go more in depth into the games lore are still available to play as they were on Gamecube).