Hello there


I guess you never truely quit PSO, so here i am, back again.
I started on Dreamcast v2, dumped over a thousand hours into Schthack
(back when it was still cool), horsed arround on Ultima for a while and now i finally
arrive here!

What drove me away from the other servers, was the
flood of custom gear, that made original gear more and more irrelevant.
I'm not sure, if custom gear (as in OP gear that never existed in the original game)
is a thing here, or what relevance it has.

Anyway, you might see me arround with my RAcast "T44" and maybe FOmarl "Goldberry"
Looking forward to meeting you guys!
I guess you never truely quit PSO, so here i am, back again.
I started on Dreamcast v2, dumped over a thousand hours into Schthack
(back when it was still cool), horsed arround on Ultima for a while and now i finally
arrive here!

What drove me away from the other servers, was the
flood of custom gear, that made original gear more and more irrelevant.
I'm not sure, if custom gear (as in OP gear that never existed in the original game)
is a thing here, or what relevance it has.

Anyway, you might see me arround with my RAcast "T44" and maybe FOmarl "Goldberry"
Looking forward to meeting you guys!
Yeah none of that craziness here, this is pretty close to the original but with a couple improvements that could almost be considered bug fixes that Sega never got around to. Welcome!
I guess you never truely quit PSO, so here i am, back again.
I started on Dreamcast v2, dumped over a thousand hours into Schthack
(back when it was still cool), horsed arround on Ultima for a while and now i finally
arrive here!

What drove me away from the other servers, was the
flood of custom gear, that made original gear more and more irrelevant.
I'm not sure, if custom gear (as in OP gear that never existed in the original game)
is a thing here, or what relevance it has.

Anyway, you might see me arround with my RAcast "T44" and maybe FOmarl "Goldberry"
Looking forward to meeting you guys!
Aaaah, yet Another Old Guard Dreamcaster returns to the fight! MOST if not All of us here are SCHT refugees too! And we sympathize with thine Trauma of Broken OP weapon and items ruining your PSO Mojo. Ultima.....*shudders*....pretty sure you noticed right away the warm and fuzzy vibe we give off here huh? Mew'll keep an eye out for pouncing and playing wiff T44-san! Welcome Home! =3!