Hello There


Hello there! Nice to see you all! I am kinda new to the server (I dipped my toes in a few years ago). It is great to see you folks keeping the dream alive. I am a vet of the DC and GC versions. Regretfully never played BB tho when it was live. I am getting sick of all the live "service" games as of late. This was my first and prob still my favorite online multiplayer game. Great to be back! I've been on this weekend relearning how to play. Feel free to give me a shout or a hand. On a Hunny named Avandae at the moment.
Hello there! Nice to see you all! I am kinda new to the server (I dipped my toes in a few years ago). It is great to see you folks keeping the dream alive. I am a vet of the DC and GC versions. Regretfully never played BB tho when it was live. I am getting sick of all the live "service" games as of late. This was my first and prob still my favorite online multiplayer game. Great to be back! I've been on this weekend relearning how to play. Feel free to give me a shout or a hand. On a Hunny named Avandae at the moment.
EEEEEeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and looks over Avee-san wiff a warm giggle~!* Aaaaand yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster/Cuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of 'Nostalgia' and has returned to our little tribe~! Wunderful to see your triumphant return, luv! Been hearing a LOT of the same thing said of all the newer Eye Candy and 'Service' games out there..."It just doesnt have the same CHARM as the Original!". Mew and others like her will keep an eager eye out for your Huney Avandea to lend a halping paw~! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you! Welcome HOME~! =3
Welcome Avee. Hope to see you online. I can relate to everything you wrote there. It was my first Online RPG aswell and is still the only one that motivates me to this degree. Nothing comes even close. I bet you will like it here. It is still having that magic on this server. Community is great.