Hello Ephinea


Guildcard 2
Hello everyone! I'm an old GameCube player who has a sudden influx of time on my hands, and a nostalgia itch to scratch. Some quick google work for private BB servers and now here I am, all setup and ready to dive back in to my first MMO again.

I had a 96 HUmar back in the day, then got corrupted and leveled a FO until the official servers shut down. It's been over a decade since I've played and I have no idea what my goals are, but I hope to get back into it and have a good time again (maybe with some moderation in playtime this time lol). I'm not familiar with teams, but they sound like small guilds so I'll be looking for one to join I suppose. At the least, I'll be looking for some guidance, and people to play with.

Thanks all, and I'll see some of you around I'm sure!
Welcome to ephinea :) I hope you have a great time, if you have any questions feel free to ask!