Hello Ephinea!


Hello fellow hunters!

I was feeling nostalgic the other day while slow at work, so I looked to see if there were any good private PSO servers still running and here I am!

I have played PSO back when it first came out on Dreamcast, although never went online with that version. I then played online with the Gamecube version till that shut down, then Xbox till that shut down, then BB till that shut down, then went to Schtack. I stopped playing there maybe 5 or 6 years ago and haven't played the game since.

I downloaded the client and made a RAmar named Bang this morning and shot a few Boomas and Rappies before work.

I can't wait to meet you all in game and hunt some red boxes with you guys!
Heh... the reason I went purplenum, not only for the ranger drops, but in all my many years playing PSO I have yet to find a psycho wand. I need to correct that!
Ouch! Poor gamecubes :P I went insane back in the gamecube days trying to farm SJS; never broke the laser though D:
Welcome to Ephinea Alex. Glad you've found the server and I wish you best of luck on your future P-Wand hunts. See ya on our beloved Pioneer 2 and of course, don't hesitate if you need some advices etc. ;)
Hello fellow hunters!

I was feeling nostalgic the other day while slow at work, so I looked to see if there were any good private PSO servers still running and here I am!

I have played PSO back when it first came out on Dreamcast, although never went online with that version. I then played online with the Gamecube version till that shut down, then Xbox till that shut down, then BB till that shut down, then went to Schtack. I stopped playing there maybe 5 or 6 years ago and haven't played the game since.

I downloaded the client and made a RAmar named Bang this morning and shot a few Boomas and Rappies before work.

I can't wait to meet you all in game and hunt some red boxes with you guys!
*Puts Bang Bang-san on her POUNCE on SIGHT list!* Mew shares your pain dear. Was on Dreamcast server 2nd week it came out and stayed on it til the bitter end.....was Sad. Then made a home on the Sega PSOGC server...til that went down....was even sadder. Then mew got wind of a private server called SCHTHACK....Was on it til it suddenly crashed and Then learned if it Did come back, we would have NOTHING of our 7+years on it to show for it......Was TRAUMATIZED! You prolly saw more than a few choices of private PSO servers...mews Happy to see you chose OUR little family tribe! Welcome Home!!! <3
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*Puts Bang Bang-san on her POUNCE on SIGHT list!* Mew shares your pain dear. Was on Dreamcast server 2nd week it came out and stayed on it til the bitter end.....was Sad. Then made a home on the Sega PSOGC server...til that went down....was even sadder. Ten mew got wind of a private server called SCHTHACK....Was on it til it suddenly crashed and Then learned if it Did come back, we would have NOTHING of our 7+years on it to show for it......Was TRAUMATIZED! You prolly saw more than a few choices in private P[SO servers...mews Happy to see you chose OUR little family tribe! Welcome Home!!! <3
Aww :(

We probably played with each other on schtack back in the day :P Do you remember a HUcast named 7? Probably not because it was so long ago :P Thanks for the welcome!!!! :D :D
mew remembers pouncing a 7-saaaan! unless you spelled it out as seven? Mew may have the attention span of a POTATO CHIP.....But she Does remember unique names for years! =3
Oh noo I think it's been too long for me :( I don't remember. But hey, new memories at Ephinea!

I have to say I love the drop system here and how it encourages everyone to play together instead of hunting solo :D
No biggies! <3 Prolly play wiff mew Once on here and you'll prolly be like.....Heeey I remember this crazy cat lady... lol =P