Harmful Racism in emote PSA


Hi, I'm going to go ahead and assume that the extremely racist emote I see from time to time is simply misunderstood and make a point to educate people here before anything else.

I have failed to get a screen-capture of it, but based on its use I've seen in-game I assume people think it's just a "Smarmy" or "cocky" smirking guy-

but- I'm here to tell you that it's an extremely offensive and harmful depiction of Jewish people.

To the people who understand what it's actually depicting, it is about as inviting as people posting swastikas.

I think who ever made it is uninformed (or worse actually informed and intentionally anti-Semitic), and that it probably got copy-pasted by people who like the expressive face and now kind of has a life of it's own.

The emote itself is an orange circle made to have a smirk, a huge nose, and a yarmulke (yamakah) and is a depiction of the racist caricature the "jewish merchant."

I sincerely hope the mods help inform people or ban people or whatever needs to happen in order to keep this space open to all players.

I would be heartbroken if this server becomes yet another gaming based safe harbor for racism and hate.
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Hi, I'm going to go ahead and assume that the extremely racist emote I see from time to time is simply misunderstood and make a point to educate people here before anything else.

I have failed to get a screen-capture of it, but based on its use I've seen in-game I assume people think it's just a "Smarmy" or "cocky" smirking guy-

but- I'm here to tell you that it's an extremely offensive and harmful depiction of Jewish people.

To the people who understand what it's actually depicting, it is about as inviting as people posting swastikas.

I think who ever made it is uninformed (or worse actually informed and intentionally antiemetic), and that it probably got copy-pasted by people who like the expressive face and now kind of has a life of it's own.

The emote itself is an orange circle made to have a smirk, a huge nose, and a yarmulke (yamakah) and is a depiction of the racist caricature the "jewish merchant."

I sincerely hope the mods help inform people or ban people or whatever needs to happen in order to keep this space open to all players.

I would be heartbroken if this server becomes yet another gaming based safe harbor for racism and hate.
Mew will keep an eye out for said Symbol chat!! Won't /kick or /ban them.....but it won't Stop her from SLAPPING them around a bit~! >=3