Hardcore Players create normal games / change game type

Charlie CM

It can be tough getting a game going with normies cause you can't create them, and often there aren't enough HC players on, or there are exactly 4 others running a quest.

A way to create a game that normies can join, or a way to mod a room so that it's not hardcore anymore would help a lot with finding people to play with.
this is extremely important and i have never even played hc. tbqh its completely unnecessary borderlining dumb to prevent hc players from making more public rooms.
This is something that I've raised with the Moderators before.

In my mind, the point of Hardcore is to get a bit of a bonus while having the penalty of character deletion upon death. I therefore don't see why we should be blocked from making normal games; the penalty would remain.

The reason I went to hardcore was because the standard exp rate is too slow for my liking; I don't have the same amount of time that I used to. However, as much as the HC players are wonderfully supportive and genuinely fun to game with... it's really quite lonely when they're not around, or when they're busy. There have been times where I'd be in the lobby for 2 hours looking for games, and not finding any. I could ask in the lobby several times if people want to game, and get nothing but silence. I can't even put a game up and wait for somebody to join. When this happens a few times in a row... well, I've already considered leaving a couple of times. It's gets to the point where it's just not fun anymore.

Even with that, I don't understand why, with a dying playerbase that's already fragmented across different servers, this server would put in a system to divide the people that actually are here.

I just hope the Mods actually are talking about this. I can't imagine a single HC player objecting to the option of playing a normal game, while maintaining the death penalty.
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I wonder why this wasn't put up sooner as well. Though I guess I thought it was because of a limit on the system or something though and wasn't possible.