

The Afro Samurai
Hello fellow Hunters, Rangers, and Forces. The name is Henomura but can call me Heno for short. Founded this server out by browsing randomly (kinda) and thought I give it a shot. Curious question, is their a list of changes as many servers I played have a barrage load of changes that kinda affected gameplay. If this server is identical to old school style vanilla base SEGA servers then I will love it here. See you in the servers and gamerooms.
I'd say there's a number of "options" this server has. The majority you don't have to use. Exception being the material and grinder stacking, which can't be selectively turned on or off.

Other than that, it plays mostly like regular PSO if you keep the Dynamic Drop Rate and Classic style drop modes off.
Oh good to know admin. I original style player I'll keep all that turned off and such. Thanks for information! :)