GC Vet Joining the Community


Hello, Community! Just a quick intro. I am a player from Game Cube release and refugee from other servers. I started up last week here and decided I wanted to be more supportive here. I always love how convenient it is to get back into PSO thanks to the support of the long running fan community.
Hello, Community! Just a quick intro. I am a player from Game Cube release and refugee from other servers. I started up last week here and decided I wanted to be more supportive here. I always love how convenient it is to get back into PSO thanks to the support of the long running fan community.
EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! *POUNCES and examines the Smougies-san closely wiff a warm giggle~!* Aaaaand yet another Old Guard Cuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! YES, most if not All of us here are also Schthack Refugee/Survivors! ...Along wiff other dying/DEAD servers! Hell, we're STILL getting Unhappy NGS ppl~! XD! Don't mistake as common a word as "convenient" for something our server gods have so painstakingly kept alive these past 9 years, dear! XD! All that chest puffing aside, in case no ones told you yet, Welcome HOME~! =3
Welcome to Ephinea… the best game ever made in my opinion lol

Never understood why people even play GCN/DC… can’t even imagine not having the hotkey bar at this point, lol. Not to mention ep 4 and the new items too… a lot less content…

Well enjoy your stay and if you see me around ever feel free to say hello and ask me for help powerleveling… I never mind! You’re a vet so I’m sure you understand n-vh is (mostly) a big waste of time and getting to ult allows you to play with the whole server. Cya around!!
Welcome to Ephinea… the best game ever made in my opinion lol

Never understood why people even play GCN/DC… can’t even imagine not having the hotkey bar at this point, lol. Not to mention ep 4 and the new items too… a lot less content…

Well enjoy your stay and if you see me around ever feel free to say hello and ask me for help powerleveling… I never mind! You’re a vet so I’m sure you understand n-vh is (mostly) a big waste of time and getting to ult allows you to play with the whole server. Cya around!!
n-vh is fun if you want it to be
n-vh is fun if you want it to be
n-vh is the funnest and most challenging part of the game if you play it how it was intended.

Playing n-vh as a noobie HC player with no help or purposefully playing with no-scape was some of the funnest content this game ever offered. Removing hardcore was a massive mistake and the replacement (classic) is objectively garbage and unplayed.

Personally I think normal, hard, and very hard could be their own game modes…
Normal = level 20 cap
Hard = level 40 cap
VH = level 80 cap

If you’re above any of these levels you cannot enter the game and the drop charts can actually have viable drops because the areas can’t be easily spammed

This would essentially give us three brand new game modes to play with their own builds and metagames. This is because a lot of characters won’t even be able to equip certain things.

Also about why I offer people to boost and suggest boosting: boosting improves player retention. About 95% of people who join this game get bored before ever reaching ultimate (and quit playing) probably because how challenging n-vh is and the lack of open games. That’s why I always offer.

About it being a waste of time: there’s just very few viable drops and n00bs aren’t going to be using perfect ID and area EXP+item hunts (like white CCC in VH, etc).
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Welcome to Ephinea! Feel free to ping me on Discord @swifty0x00 if you ever need help with leveling or gear. I'm more than happy to run some TTFs or Beyond the Horizon with you to make the level grind easier :)
n-vh is the funnest and most challenging part of the game if you play it how it was intended.

Playing n-vh as a noobie HC player with no help or purposefully playing with no-scape was some of the funnest content this game ever offered. Removing hardcore was a massive mistake and the replacement (classic) is objectively garbage and unplayed.

Personally I think normal, hard, and very hard could be their own game modes…
Normal = level 20 cap
Hard = level 40 cap
VH = level 80 cap

If you’re above any of these levels you cannot enter the game and the drop charts can actually have viable drops because the areas can’t be easily spammed

This would essentially give us three brand new game modes to play with their own builds and metagames. This is because a lot of characters won’t even be able to equip certain things.

Also about why I offer people to boost and suggest boosting: boosting improves player retention. About 95% of people who join this game get bored before ever reaching ultimate (and quit playing) probably because how challenging n-vh is and the lack of open games. That’s why I always offer.

About it being a waste of time: there’s just very few viable drops and n00bs aren’t going to be using perfect ID and area EXP+item hunts (like white CCC in VH, etc).
95%?! Where did you get this number?

I think if you really like PSO as a game, you can put up with the lower n-vh player count and enjoy opm while leveling your first character at least. MaYbE tHaT's JuSt mE tHo.

Events and exp week in general bring in more lower lv chars though, I think