Forces and Keybindings


I'm pretty new to higher level Force life. My Fonewearl has just hit 63 and I seem to spend a lot of time switching customisations around, alternating which spells I have where. So I thought I'd come to the forums and ask for opinions - how do you keybind, as a Force?

Currently I still have simple attack on A, just to break boxes. Then I cycle between Foie, Rafoie and Gifoie on X, with Barta on B. Second bar I have Resta on A, Razonde on X, and Zonde on B.

Numbers-wise, I have Difluid on 1, Zalure on 2, Foie (or Gifoie) on 3, Rabarta on 4, Reverser on 5, Jellen on 6, Sol Atomiser on 7, Deband on 8, Shifta on 9, and Anti on 0.

What do I have hotkeyed that I could reasonably drop? Do you keep fluids just to the quick menu? Should I ditch S/D and go for a wider range of attacks (Grants or Megid, etc)? Am I kidding myself, still having Simple Attack?

<3 for thoughts.
My fonewm is:
1 Shifta
2 Deband
3 Anti
4 Resta
5 Gifoie
6 Gizonde
7 Megid
8 Reverser
9 Jellen
0 Zalure

Left Hard Attack
Down Attack
Right Special Attack

Ctrl Left Foie
Ctrl Down Razonde/Grants
Ctrl Right Rabarta

Because how hard is it to ctrl+end a trifluid every now and then?
I have my FOnewearl's binds based on how important each skill is for the episode I'm in.

My action bar consists of Zalure, Jellen, and a useful tech (like Razonde for Mericarol stunning or Rabarta for freezing if no cast is on the team).

My alternate action bar has healing and another attack tech.

My numbers are for situational techs (Gifoie for Ep2, etc) or techs I don't need to use all the time (like Shifta and Deband), Trifluids and Moon Atomizers placed in easy-to-reach number keys.
7-moon atomizer

action bar
normal attack
hard attack
special attack

2nd action bar

fast access tech menu
other techs

fast access weapon list
guns like bringer's, master raven
status guns like hell raygun, holy ray
staffs like magic piece
staffs like glide divine
beat sticks of various sizes

fast access item list
sol atomizer
other stuff

This set up is so I don't have to use a keyboard if I don't want to most of the time
I have button 1, 2 assigned to R and L on the right analog stick. they're S/D.
3,4 is L,R triggers. they're J/Z.
5 is gifoie, it's the "select" button.
6,7,8,9 are D-pad.
I usually keep:
Rabarta to D-pad up
Ranzonde to D-pad down
Grants to D-pad left
Rafoie to D-pad right.
Reverser on 0.
I usually just manually hit it, the 0 button (reverser) isn't programmed. I know I should put moons here but it's just for show, I usually solo xD (cast profile has moons on the 0 slot)

There's a trick I use to cast spells. if you set a button to "toggle" and "turbo" at the same time, the spell will keep casting until you hit the button again. Handy! :eek:

Because of this, I have a different Xpadder profile for "Cast" with all that turbo and toggle stuff turned off. :p
I haven't come up with an all around good setup but I like to do this with forces.
1 Foie 2 Zonde 3 Barta or whatever order they come in.
4, 5, 6, Gi... spells.
7, 8, 9, RA... spells.
Then toggle keyboard emulation with F11 and for some reason turning numlock off allows you to use the numpad for the number hotkeys.
So then I have my layout.
Where each row is a different strength (you could switch simple and ra attacks to orientate same as menus)
and each column is a different element.
And this leaves 0 to be set to whatever you want.
So I'm holding my controller in my left hand using analog stick and d-pad while dialing my attack spells on the numpad. Then I quick get my right on the controller to do other things and you could customize what other spells and items you want on there and you can reorder the technique quick menu accessed with the shifted top action button. I always make sure Resta is on an unshifted button so having a PB Blast ready doesn't interfere with healing.

Turning Keyboard emulation off again with F11 is needed to use a/d for turning more precisely for better aim though. For some reason a controller's analog stick doesn't work as finely on Blue Burst for PC compared to console PSO's.
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Thank you so much for all the answers so far - I think I'm going to have to get a better program to assign things to my control pad, rather than relying on the in-game setup. I think I'm going to ditch fluids/sols, definitely.
I use Pallette Manager which is available in Tofuman's Tools.

It allows you to use a second pallette row when pressing CTRL. (the 0-9). So it's very good for extra Techs/items. You assign your pallette out of game and 'push' them in then they are set up for good until you wish to change. Can also use for cmode to save manually assigning each stage.

My FOmarls pallette:

Back (when pressing ctrl)

And then ofc I use xpadder to assign buttons to my pad. Because of my pad being 16 button (also has turbo for quick casting Gifoie/Gizonde/catalog button mash) and pallette manager I use quick menu for weapons only. (except Resta trick / Ryuker when PB is up).

My commands:
The left analog button is home which I use for pushing my palletes from manager to game. (I've assigned it to home as I never use so can't knock it etc).
The -> is for fast unfreeze wiggle via menu. And the 3 button in that central area are currently nothing atm. (I have the other ingame open/close menu command set to one of them so that it's out of the way as don't need 2 Imo, well one continues selecting and one is directly open/close, the latter I dislike as I can close by pressing back a few times).
I also use the dpad for moving up and down in the menu. Because the pallette is unusable in menu the assigned buttons don't effect it. Then can use them outside of menu.

From the above xpadder pic to in game commands:

Left trigger (front): Camera
Right trigger (front): Palette change
4 right buttons: Action Pallette+menu commands.
Right analog button: open/close menu.
Left analog stick: Movement.
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