Ephinea 1.7.8: Removal of VoIP


Staff member
As of Ephinea 1.7.8, VoIP and also the extra audio mixer have been removed from the game.

The addition of VoIP seems to have made the game a little more unstable for players and I suppose it probably wasn't a really used feature anyway.

If you used the internal VoIP, you can still VoIP with your friends through the official Ephinea TeamSpeak server or your own Discord server.

Also, the extra audio mixer has been removed. With that, the rare drop sound no longer plays unless you have PSO's BGM enabled. I'll be making a workaround for this later.
Shame really. The idea of integrated voip was a good idea, just didn't pan out. Here's to że futere
I can finally hear the jingle after like 3 weeks of silence! Woot!
I can finally hear the jingle after like 3 weeks of silence! Woot!

Lol Kul. You must have had the voice set to off. You only needed to turn it back on.
Is this what was causing you to crash 10 times and miss my epic hardcore suicide?
I don't know, but I know Daisuri is reporting that PSO is working better for her now.

It seems like the only way I could test to see if I'm fine and won't instantly close PSO is if I run 1c3, get the Handgun in the side room, and attempt to shoot the first button on the left above the front door.
Also, the extra audio mixer has been removed. With that, the rare drop sound no longer plays unless you have PSO's BGM enabled. I'll be making a workaround for this later.

How can I verify if BGM is enabled?
My TTF just crashed so I need VoIP back ok??? jk jk just giving you a hard time...

(wow it happened again in less than 10 minutes...steam chat windows confirm FSODers???)
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