CUSTOM Language does not prevent redownload of unitxt_j.prs


I am trying to mod / replace the unitxt files, e.g. unitxt_j.prs (the ingame text for items/monsters).

(1) I put it in /data/ and change Launcher Language to CUSTOM. Everything I have read (including posts from Sodaboy) on the Forums says that "CUSTOM" is supposed to make PSO not download any updates to the unitxt files:

I launch the game, load to the title screen ingame, hit Start Game ---:

--- and at that point, the game immediately downloads a "patch" and closes itself:
The "patch" is always a fresh copy of unitxt_j.prs.

If there is any means to make psobb.exe's ingame client patcher ignore the unitxt and smutdata prs files (and variations thereof), please let me know :(

Things tried and failed:
- Running Launcher with CUSTOM, EN, and JP settings (nothing works)
- Running Launcher/PSO as Admin or not
- Setting unitxt_j.prs to Read Only

Things which worked:
- Replacing unitxt_j.prs _after_ patch-check / before Character Select, but that is ... not optimal and could be very easily forgotten.
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