
Hey, thanks for reserving that Morning Glory - if you want to make things easier, you can just give it to AgentFearless when you meet up with him and he'll give it to me. Saves you the trouble of having to make one extra meeting. ^^
got quite a few more handouts taken care of! sorry if i missed a few of you but i'm off for now. pm me and i'll try to be responsive

update edit: if you see something you want (thats not reserved) just ask for it. no limits anymore.
FYI. Valentine's Chocolate are made in the valentines quest then used in white day quest to get Rambling may. Also dw about the mag for me. I was just being lazy but I actually fed one anyways ;3. Not that I plan to NM anytime soon haha.

I will take a kouryu though and a 50h charge raygun? :p
I'm back for more. Can I have the remaining Cure/Freeze, Tyrell's Parasol (either is fine) and that Kama mag? thx d00d
FYI. Valentine's Chocolate are made in the valentines quest then used in white day quest to get Rambling may. Also dw about the mag for me. I was just being lazy but I actually fed one anyways ;3. Not that I plan to NM anytime soon haha.

I will take a kouryu though and a 50h charge raygun? :p
I'm back for more. Can I have the remaining Cure/Freeze, Tyrell's Parasol (either is fine) and that Kama mag? thx d00d
check check. sorry i wasnt on all day how i planned but you know life happens. ill try to find you two in game, but pm me so i know where to meet.