Checking In


Figured I should probably make an introduction, so here goes! Played PSO back on DC and then GC, stopped a long time ago and one day recently a friend an I were talking about the game and were reminiscing over old items etc, especially Sange and Yasha for myself, so I thought about googling it to see if I could get it installed in some kinda emulator, but found here instead and have been hooked ever since I heard the Main Menu title twinkle ever since. Also big yey to seasons!

I'm from England (oi oi guv'na and all that.)
Can you make a FOnewm and talk like this all the time? I’ll pay in PDs.

Aw'right luv? Just crack that monsta wif your pointy end oi oi! (too much?)

A FELLOW BRIT! Always happy to find someone who will likely be online during the same hours. WELCOME.

Woooo! Yeah it's so weird to go to the EU server and barely see anyone and then you go to the us Fodra one and it's heaving!
Aw'right luv? Just crack that monsta wif your pointy end oi oi! (too much?)

Woooo! Yeah it's so weird to go to the EU server and barely see anyone and then you go to the us Fodra one and it's heaving!
CHEERS LUV! Quite a few 'Queen's Subjects' here! Mew herself is here in the States but Always enjoy playing with EU peeps at odd hours! Welcome Home dear! =3

Welcome Heinz