Change section ID?


There's no way to change it after 20 right? Someone had told me you could change it anytime but only once. So here I am at 40 not able to change it. :(

Is there no other way?
Nope, unless you somehow convince one of the admins to bother.
Someone had told me you could change it anytime but only once.
I'm sorry for your mishap, but don't listen to people unless you have multiple sources saying the same thing.

Also typing /help when you were before LV20 would have shown that information you needed to prevent this from happening.

When you are below LV20, each time you log into a ship it tells you to type /help for server commands which shows the command name and what they do.

I don't know why new players don't do this to see what useful information is available.

LV40 isn't too hard to get to. Especially when there is boosted EXP via MS Rewards/events.

If it bothers you that much, I'd recommend to just remake your character, type /help to read all the commands a player should know on this server, and change your Section ID and/or character name if so desired.